Station Panama

That would be lovely. Any threads on here about projects that have been announced?

Va voir la Carte d’Agora (en haut ou à droite sur ton écran)!

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I got to speak with CDPQ Infra today, and they let me know that the wayfinding across all the REM stations will be upgraded. For Panama, they plan on adding buses to their signage so people know which way to go for the bus terminal, or the other way to buses like the RTL 14 which doesn’t stop inside the bus terminal. Here is what it is currently, and a mockup I made of what they could do:

At Terminus Panama, I told them how the bus terminal still has paper signs, and they said technically the RTL is in charge now, but they’ll tell them to change it (I showed how it’s literally paper covering up part of the signs lol). It seems RTL doesn’t care about changing it, and might not have resources. I wish the ARTM could have a whole wayfinding department that does this very thing…

Something to note, the pathway to Sector T (avenue Tisserand) will be redone to include a mini bus loop, similar to Nun’s Island. This is done by the ARTM, but CDPQ Infra said that signage could still be added because the buses won’t be changing.

16 « J'aime »

Idk if this counts as “major work” but at Terminus Panama, they still have paper signs used because it opened early, about a year before the REM:

Here at Panama, under the back paper, it says the door number, in this case “PORTE D” (yes I checked and no one seemed to have notice). At Brossard, they are instead labeled as “AILE B” which is how it should be here too. This means they have a paper sign covering the door number because it’s different from the Aile, and a paper sign in the middle to identify the Aile. All this needs is a simple sticker above the different doors that indicates the Aile number. I don’t know if the ARTM should assume this responsibility, or RTL as they manage the terminal, or REM as they worked on the terminal originally.

This is a brand new terminal so it’s understandable that signage needs to be updated, but I’m guessing this was simply forgotten about and will remain this way unless it’s pointed out more.

2 « J'aime »

Or until you put your own

safety vest moment

3 « J'aime »

The REM/CDPQ Infra installed the signage at Terminus Panama, and left the project unfinished. They handed it off to RTL when their service started, and now CDPQ Infra doesn’t want to finish their work, despite them having their own standards accessible to them.

Is this acceptable? Absolutely not, people shouldn’t have to depend on printout paper put up by managers because many people asked questions. The REM needs to take responsibility for their work that they leave unfinished.

I went out of my way, and spent $35 on new signage to make up for the REM, because I believe a public transportation network should actually be accessible to all, and look nice too.

My plan is to tell the ARTM and CDPQ Infra that I plan on giving this to RTL managers at the terminus, as well as letting them know the cost it was out of my pocket. This document barely took any time to create, maybe 30 minutes at most, there really shouldn’t be any excuses.

24 « J'aime »

Dans quelque temps, les agences de transport, quand elles auront besoin de @mashdash :


Celle là est pas mal non plus :

20 « J'aime »

So something very funny… the ARTM is literally adding them next week, according to a supervisor at the terminal. I can keep the signs I’ve printed now for myself.

I’m very happy the ARTM is actually working on this now, I hope it continues!

8 « J'aime »

What a timing, right?

4 « J'aime »

They shoul give you free access on all transportation modes :man_superhero:

3 « J'aime »

Incidemment, pour tous ses défaut, c’est dans ce genre de situation que l’ARTM brille et démontre le mieux son importance. Autant, je regrette qu’elle ait autant tergiversé sur le projet de billetterie intégrée de la STM (Céleste), autant j’apprécie son rôle pour réduire les frictions entre les OPTCs de la région et prendre action quand elles se lancent dans des guerres territoriales qui affectent la qualité du service des passagers.

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Il faut aussi leur donner le crédit pour la refonte tarifaire! Ce n’est pas parfait, mais c’est beaucoup mieux que ce qu’on avait avant à mon avis.

7 « J'aime »

These were installed a while ago, but I finally got good photos of the new signage added at Terminus Panama! The ones installed on the wall are made of very nice quality metal, reminding me of the signage in NYC.

Above the doors, they’ve added new signs that actually say the wing letters instead of just a piece of paper. It looks really good, I’m glad they went with a black background for it:

For débarquement doors, they didn’t indicate that it’s exit only, but they removed the door letter which definitely wasn’t needed:

Above the doors at the ends of the terminal to exit, they’ve used white (which is meant to highlight the street names, like the STM does in their stations), with the door letter in the middle still matching the REM’s style of having it in the middle:

Finally, for the débarquement, they’ve removed the nice sign that said the door letter. The new sign is very very ugly and hopefully temporary:

Also a new drink vending machine that isn’t operating yet:

Overall great improvements! They’ve done the same here as at Terminus Brossard too.

19 « J'aime »

Belle signalisation. Ce que je questionne par contre c’est qu’ils mettent à l’avant les numéros de quai plutôt que lignes de bus. Personnellement je retiens pas mon numéro de quai.
Il me semble que les gens vont chercher avant tout le numéro de bus.

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Est-ce que c’est seulement moi et mes OCDs mais est-ce que le “porte B” (sur la première photo) devrait être avant le nom de la rue, pour être consistant mais la flèche elle pourrait être du côté vers laquelle elle pointe ?

Le « Porte B » est aligné avec les sigles pour « Aile A » et « Aile B ». Le panneau perdrait cet alignement si on le plaçait avant le nom de la rue.

1 « J'aime »

Je me demande pourquoi il n’y a pas plus d’affichage pour entrer par ce coté de la station ?

Bien que l’entrée soit agréable, visuellement parlant, je la trouve très difficile d’accès et par très pratique. Nous arrivions par la 132 ouest et nous avons pensé prendre la 10 en espérant suivre l’affichage qui nous guiderait sur une entrée facile et rapide. Non seulement aucun affichage annonçant le REM, et encore moins cette entrée, mais nous avons du nous rendre jusqu’à Taschereau et ensuite passer à travers un centre commercial pour arriver sur l’avenue Tisserand et chercher une affiche ou enseigne mais rien…sauf pour la petite affiche sur le poteau. Donc merci pour avoir ajouté ce petit sticker.

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Terminus Panama has new overhead signage.

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