Station Panama

ou pizza Soleil à McGill :slight_smile: Ça n’a pas changé depuis 30 ans.

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Maintenant ouvert !

27 « J'aime »

C’est vraiment pas gros!

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Quelqu’un sait quand l’œuvre d’art qui doit être exposée a la station Panama (a l’entrée de la station) sera finalement installé? Ça commence a faire long 5 mois…

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I didn’t see this get shared in mid-December, but Panama is getting a new “sidewalk and crossing” at Rue Panama/Auteuil/Boul Taschereau.

Long overdue in my opinion, because that intersection is a death trap. Curious to see their solution.

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People taking public transit will finally be able to go to council meetings across the street! Currently it’s a major detour

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Le Kim Phat est soudainement beaucoup plus proche du REM!

Le ministère des Transports et de la Mobilité durable, initialement impliqué en raison de la juridiction provinciale du boul. Taschereau, a signifié son intention de ne pas participer à cette entente.

On devrait officiellement renommer le MTQ, le ministère de la voirie. Je ne me rappelle plus du dernier projet auquel ils ont contribué qui servait à déplacer des gens au lieu de juste leurs voitures.

8 « J'aime »

Ce n’est pas l’intersection Panama/Auteuil/Taschereau qui sera réaménagée, mais l’intersection Taschereau/Bretelle de sortie A-10 Ouest/Sortie Bus Terminus Panama, localisée plus au sud:

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RTL internally calls the street connecting to the bus terminal “Tunnel Taschereau” because of the ramp over it. I got to see this on a paper when they changed to the new routes, several bus drivers had them out so they could see directions for where to go to, and one exit was “Rue Philippines,” and the other being “Tunnel Taschereau.”

It’s kind of strange though this intersection doesn’t have any name officially on maps or in person on signs

1 « J'aime »

As mentionned above wrong intersection.
And it was mentionned in December :wink:

Ahhh, I see now, I saw the reference to Auteuil/Panama below in the article and my franglais mind mixed it up.

This is still very good, because I assume much of the foot/bike traffic is that neighbouring CEGEP playing frogger across the road, and I have personally seen dozens of people walking on the curb northward along Taschereau through the snow and ice and each time it gives me anxiety.

The displays are operational, and there are 2 ticket machines beside the now open ARTM ticket desk.

On the screens in the heated area, they cycle between all the different buses. There are different “Recap” areas, Nord, Centre, and Sud. All of them cycle through the same buses, in my opinion a bit too quickly, they should probably wait a few seconds longer.

By the gates, they have the specific buses:

Here are the two ticket machines:

The signs above the wings still are paper for some reason, I’m not sure when they plan on removing them. Additionally, I think it would make sense for them to make the map of the terminal on a permanent area, instead of just stuck onto the wall.

Outside, I didn’t get any photos, but they fully blocked off the empty brownfield that will be redeveloped. A lot of people were parking here to not pay

14 « J'aime »

These machines do not have all the pass options
REM/RTL monthly not available. Quite strange taking in account the location of these machines

3 « J'aime »

Keep in mind that they’re getting replaced this year already, so they’re probably using up their inventory of standby machines which might have issues

I asked them and they actually said these machines are new, but leased out so they don’t technically “own” them (at least from what I understand as these are new machines for such a short time). When I asked about the new ticket machines, they said “by the end of the year,” so I hope that means in time for the next phase of the REM

7 « J'aime »

That does seem like an oversight. If you have time next time you should tell them in the booth, I’ll do the same next time I’m there!

3 « J'aime »

Who leases the machine from who?

Conduent leases* it to the ARTM indirectly (technically to the STM which the ARTM hires to manage fare machines)

*I’m not 100% sure if it’s actually leased or bought, but these are new machines that plan to be used for only a year and a half so I think leasing makes more sense than buying new old machines

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Vivement un peu plus de densité autour de cette station bientôt…

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