Edit my bad i read mini not midi
Dam il have to keep my eye open
Yes the question was about midis. Originally the purpose of these four BYDs the STM acquired jointly with the ones the RTL tested and are still in use in Boucherville was to apply them in service on the 212 Sainte-Anne line. However, they have been kept parked for a number of years at CT St-Laurent until last fall. I wonder whether these electric midis may finally be tested for use despite the reliability and accessibility challenges.
Only Reason why it would be at Fairview would be to operate a shuttle between Terminus Pointe-Claire and Fairview mall
Saint Charles could probably be to figure out how to deadhead between Terminus MacDonald/station anse-à-l’orme and the garage… (I still hope for a west island garage at some point)
I am hoping they are reconsidering making use of them for the arrival of the REM out in the Sainte-Anne de Bellevue area and not the report that stated last summer that they were not going to be used for revenue service.
Yea the other reason would be probably if a contract is to shuttle between somewhere and Fairview?
But again that’s the big issue with the removal of terminus Fairview… No more mall access for transit users unless a dedicated shuttle is to be made…
I’m not about to haul a flat screen tv across the parking lot to terminus Pointe-Claire like i did back when i managed to do so with terminus Fairview
In this article, the idea of making use of them as a shuttle was being explored - though for school outings, day care centres or summer camp trips.
Good question about what could happen to transit users accessing the Fairview shopping centre after the relocation of the nearly 45 year old bus loop (or 33 years officially as a terminus with the bus shelter). Walking across Fairview Avenue from the REM station through the parking lot to the mall will be stressful (a traffic light is expected to be installed where the buses exit onto this road). I can imagine that the STM will need to try to maintain an on-street stop at Brunswick/Auto-Plaza to serve it for whichever routes are maintained or redesigned. I am not sure they can safely try to add a bus stop on the westbound Trans-Canada Hwy service road between the two road entrances to the mall for some bus routes modified to serve the REM without a sidewalk (ex. a modified 216).
I mean all est/north/south bound bus lines will have to past by Brunswick/autoplaza due to the service road connection… Only west bound lines can simply engage back into the service road… I REALLY HOPE Pointe-Claire is able to somehow get a bus lane on Brunswick (going est) cuz the traffic is miserable at times
Also would Cadillac Fairview want to keep the bus loop to allow a bus stop? Or they would just convert it into more parking
I am not sure whether the bus terminus would be maintained further as it is leased to the STM by CF until the REM extension is launched. For how bus passengers can get across Brunswick/Auto-Plaza safely, I think a traffic light with a pedestrian crossing there might be required, except I think the road entrance to the mall there need to be moved slightly west to be aligned with Auto-Plaza Avenue, not to mention the city of Pointe-Claire had thought of adding a bike path at that intersection as well. The agglomeration and the STM will need to agree on adding an eastbound bus lane on Brunswick Boulevard leading to St-Jean Boulevard.
It’s currently leased for the entirety of 2025 (note: limit is defined as the 30 novembre 2025) with an option for renewal in 2026 (note: limit is defined as the 30 novembre 2026)
La Société de transport de Montréal (STM) a retiré un abribus du Vieux-Montréal parce qu’il était occupé par des personnes en situation d’itinérance.
L’abribus est situé en face de la Mission Old Brewery.
Des passagers ainsi que des employés affectés au nettoyage des lieux se sont plaints de l’« agressivité » des occupants, dit la STM.
Cet arrêt dessert les lignes 55 Nord et 129 Nord. Il est situé en face de l’édifice de la Mission Old Brewery, qui offre des services aux personnes en situation d’itinérance.
The lease agreement fortunately does align with the latest probable date CDPQ Infra could launch the REM extension if the construction timeline is met and the tests are successful in Fall 2025. The option for 2026 is there in case of a delay. For the moment, we will have to wait until September the earliest to know once the marché blanc tests are in progress.
No one is entitled to a bus shelter, missuse it and lose it
When you don’t have any other choice, and don’t want to die from cold, where do you go instead? It’s a bigger issue than simply “don’t agree with the rules, jail for you!”
Not somewhere where you purposely destroy it and endanger normal clientèle & employees?
They explicitly stated that normal users DID NOT used the shelter… I would far prefer that shelter being moved to somewhere where users will actually use it without fearing for their lives
Je n’ai jamais vu personne attendre la, entre St-Antoine & Viger c’est un No Mans land, l’abris est toujours remplis de seringues et de déchets, aucun usager ça aller attendre là
À part ceux qui travaillent à OBM. Je me rappelle que des employés prenait la 55 Nord pour retourner chez eux après leur quart de travail. Mais effectivement la plupart, incluant moi, marchait jusqu’au métro Place D’armes.
Les panneaux spéciaux de bus semblent avoir un peu de misère à certains endroits. C’est assez archaïque comme façon de faire, d’ailleurs. Le panneau de plastique avec le carton semble dater d’une autre époque.
With the closure of the saint Michel bus depo (because the depot AND the buses are EOL), idk how the 212 will be able to operate in the future…
We don’t have midi’s to operate in SADB, the other garages are not logistically compatible with mini’s and we cannot operate normal buses in SADB there’s bilaws in place
Exo a des midibus et pourrait opérer la ligne assez facilement à partir du garage à Vaudreuil.