RTL - Nouveau réseau

Would taking the STM 74 or 75 bus, which both end at Gare Centrale, make sense as a replacement?

Il y a aussi la 168 qui continuera de circuler sur Robert-Bourassa (mais elle sera moins fréquente que maintenant)

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Peu importe le trajet choisi mon temps de transport augmentera de 30% à 40 %

2 « J'aime »

Wouldn’t it be about the same, because the bus won’t get stuck in traffic when merging onto the bridge? I know that generally only happens during rush hours but still.

When I did the planner for when I go to the south shore, it says I save about 10 minutes. What’s the time difference that the planner says?

I just did it for my route during rush hour, normally it takes me 1h 5 min, now it will take me 46 min, despite needing to transfer more

1 « J'aime »

The planner says: At best 8 minutes more at worst 20 minutes more

1 « J'aime »

I’m curious, what sector? I want to try it out myself to see the differences

No need to be super specific, I’m really wondering how they could make such a small network that inefficient after creating hubs

I feel like after the metro opened in Laval it got much better

I’m just reading the PPU Pointe-Nord (IDS), and in the document it mentions an RTL “100” bus that will stop on Nun’s Island. This document is from 2020 so it doesn’t mention the new STM buses coming with the REM, but I think this might be a hint that at night when the REM is not in service, there will be an RTL bus that runs along the REM, stopping at Nun’s Island.

2 « J'aime »

I think it’s more the RTL bus line that was abolished in June 2016 that served Nuns’ Island’s commercial sector. It was numbered 100.

Now, I don’t know if they want to reestablish the service, but I doubt it.

2 « J'aime »

Ohh i didn’t know that, very interesting! RTL’s history of the different bus routes isn’t that well documented

Due to work on Avenue Panama, buses are rerouted to Rue Philippines, which is where buses are supposed to go once the REM opens with the redesigned network. So you can “preview the new network” in this small 450m section temporarily lol

1 « J'aime »

Soon… seen at TCV:

5 « J'aime »

This is really interesting, as there’s no info online except this one article about this bus route. I’m guessing it might be temporary, to see how Stationnement Chevrier will be used with the REM? Or maybe it’s more for a night bus service/replacement for the REM, in case there are issues (some redundancy)? I’m really curious what it will be

4 « J'aime »

Living in Ottawa in the midst of O-Train construction, it was quite common to see a new bus line – the “104”, I believe – appear when the train was out of commission.

This was an accordion bus that loosely followed the path of the train, hitting all the stops. Notably, when the East-West LRT launched in Ottawa there was famously no buses readily available to pick up the slack when the stations and rolling stock had issues.

If I were the ARTM I would be planning for a bus like the “742” to avoid the maximum amount of angry tweets from commuters if the REM ever stopped working.

1 « J'aime »

That would make sense, I guess RTL would use their old artic buses that were used on the 45 maybe? Although they are quite old

Selon l’article de LaPresse, les nouvelles lignes d’autobus seront en service à partir du 21 août 2023, juste avant la rentrée scolaire.

1 « J'aime »

Wouldn’t it be in service when the REM begins? it wouldn’t make sense to delay the redesign of the network to late August, Terminus Brossard wouldn’t be used then by RTL buses for a while! Although, on their website, it says schedules (GTFS) isn’t updated until August 21, like the article is saying

Edit: Ohhh so the 742 is the transition line, in the meantime before the redesign… that’s… weird

2 « J'aime »

Surement une question de convention collective avec les chauffeurs. Les dates de début et de fin d’affectations sont souvent assez strictes. Il me semble qu’il y en a 4 par année au RTL. Le syndicat avait été relativement flexible pendant la pandémie lorsque les affectations réduites étaient arrivées, mais là je pense qu’ils ne le seront pas du tout parce qu’au final il y globalement moins d’heures de travail lorsque le REM entrera en fonction.

1 « J'aime »

Ce n’est pas une urgence pour le RTL de procéder au redesign de son réseau parce que tous les circuits se rabattent déjà à Panama, avec la 45 qui joue déjà le rôle du REM hors-pointe. Les gros changements visent surtout à ajouter des nouvelles lignes et ça peut attendre quelques semaine.

1 « J'aime »

I wonder how many people would use this 742 bus to go between Chevrier and Panama, as a way to get parking for taking the REM. Just because I’m guessing Brossard Station parking will be full

On Vision RTL, it now says:

Dès le 31 juillet 2023, le REM devient le lien unique entre la Rive-Sud et le centre-ville de Montréal. Les lignes d’autobus du RTL qui traversaient le pont Samuel-De Champlain devront donc être retirées à sa mise en service.

On the simulate trip page, it says:

Ce simulateur de trajets vous permettra de déjà vous faire une idée des meilleurs itinéraires pour vous faciliter la vie à l’entrée en vigueur du réseau repensé du RTL le 21 août 2023, dans la foulée de l’arrivée du REM.

Still no mention of the 742 bus

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