It can be slow if you have to compete with other vehicles.
If the Trip Simulator works correctly, I think the bus frequencies on some routes that are shared with other lines will be improved.
Currently in Sector T, the bus runs once every hour, but there are 2 buses that merge here and run similar routes to Panama. Because most of the routes are loops that start at the same place and the shifts are at similar times, the buses run at almost the same time. Here’s what I mean:
2:10 pm - 47 bus
2:13 pm - 43 bus
3:10 pm - 47 bus
3:13 pm - 43 bus
This will be improved with the redesign, even if it’s just half an hour bus service:
2:10 pm - 43 bus
2:19 pm - 47 bus
2:40 pm - 43 bus
2:49 pm - 47 bus
3:10 pm - 43 bus
3:19 pm - 47 bus
3:40 pm - 43 bus
3:49 pm - 47 bus
Separately, if the buses would’ve gone up to the stores at malls, like I added here, it would be nicer than having to walk 8 minutes through a parking lot:
La trame urbaine de Villeray/Ahuntsic facilite la desserte pour Cremazie. Honnêtement ce n’est même pas un si gros problème pour du Quartier, il faut juste que le RTL obtienne un droit de passage. Je suis moins préoccupé pour du Quartier, que pour de la Savane, et surtout Anjou, cette station sera vraiment un défi.
C’est commun au Québec aussi. Quelques exemples (appuyez sur “voir l’image satellite”, dans le coin inférieur gauche de chaque carte, pour que ça soit plus visible) :
Fairview Pointe-Claire
Galeries de la Capitale, à Québec
Carrefour de l’Estrie, à Sherbrooke
They fixed the planner now so the REM correctly ends at Gare Centrale instead of the entire thing being open. It still recommends using the high school bus which most people can’t use.
I tried a route that some people I know would take, and the REM reduces their travel by 20+ minutes! Very exciting to have that plus more frequent buses in the South Shore. I’m curious where the night buses will come into this…
Un parcours piéton intérieur à l’abri des éléments, c’est l’opposé d’un parcours piéton exposé aux éléments sur un viaduc enjambant une autoroute. Descendre d’un bus devant une porte de station c’est complétement différent que de débarquer 200m en bas d’une côte.
D’où ça vient le 200 mètres? Si c’est en bas du viaduc l’arrêt, même si on doit traverser la rue, l’entrée du REM est dans le milieu du viaduc.
J’ai peut-être mal compris où étaient ces arrêts par contre.
Ça demeure très moyen comme arrêt toutefois.
The walk from the bus stop on the other side of the street is actually 350m, about 5 minute walk (because you have to walk down the hill, cross then go up). Add maybe 2 minutes waiting at the light because this traffic light takes a LONGGGGG time
L’’arrêt le plus proche est à 2 coins de rues plus loin?? Ok…
Another way is getting off the bus on the other side of the bridge, and using the covered passage at DIX30. Because this isn’t mapped on anything yet I don’t know how the timing would be for this, maybe a bit faster (and more comfortable)
J’adore !
According to the new RTL bus network map to be active when the REM is launched, there is a service gap on Rome Boulevard. The tentative Rome line proposed in 2021 is not there and perhaps it’s likely due to several reasons unknown. Between DIX30 and Taschereau Boulevard, only the 14 runs here. However, I tried the schedule simulator the RTL has offered and it appears the 14 still runs at rush hour only. The 14 serves Panama REM station via a multi-purpose passage on Tisserand Avenue. The 41 and 43 becomes the go to routes to the Panama Terminus with no direct link on Rome and travel to Dix30 or points east will be extensive. I sense that lots of residents in Brossard have noted this for the March 21 and 23 public consultation session.
I would like to see perhaps a few options to be considered for the Rome Boulevard - Dix30 corridor which links to neighbouring municipalities and boroughs of Longueuil without forcing a transfer at Panama Terminus with the REM:
- 54 extended to the Dix30 area and terminate in the Isabelle street industrial sector via Rome, Leduc and du Quartier (near resemble the 35 that ends at Place Java where the 21 soon terminates at)
- 6 extended to the Dix30 area via Lapinière and Leduc boulevards.
The proposed 38 line that will replace the 39 and 106 takes a half loop to serve the B sector via Baudelaire, Grande-Allée and Chevrier and will increase the travel time significantly between the Dix30 complexe and Panama Terminus.
Le RTL a fait rouler un midibus à propulsion 100 % électrique du boul. St-Laurent au Dix30 via le boul. Rome.
Des 6 lignes à travers l’agglomération seul celle de Boucherville a eu du succès.
Dommage, des bus électrique plus court sont une belle solution pour ajouter du service dans le réseau.
Je continue de croire que l’échec des midibus du RTL est un échec de communication… Pas très convaincu qu’ils ont fait une promotion adéquate.
Je serais curieux de voir l’horaire de ces bus. Je ne saisis pas trop comment le RTL arrivait à desservir 6 lignes avec 5 bus.
Some of the buses at Terminus Panama have the stop marked at Station Panama instead. Not all of them, but some:
Some things to note:
- They still are marking the vehicle types (buses) as “700,” not correctly as “3.”
- Terminus Panama has been completely removed from the GTFS, and they’re using “Station Panama” instead. I don’t love this, but it matches their maps so ehh kinda consistent I guess.
- They have marked out the new drop off bus stop at Panama (45.4660193264961,-73.4699140379054)
- Station Brossard has been added (45.436900917515,-73.4315403720757)
- They’ve seemed to fix some of the location of the bus stops to be more accurate (some of them were 50m off, that seems to be resolved)
Ok so I put together the new data with the old one, and put them on a map to compare the stop locations.
Orange is the old locations, and Blue are the new locations.
Terminus Panama, the new locations are better, they previous put a random stop in the middle of the terminal, and another in the parking lot. Now these are in the correct locations:
Dix30 has stops adjusted to the correct locations, and Brossard station is added:
Around Springfield Park:
Les Promenades St-Bruno, corrected locations:
Saint-Lambert and LeMoyne:
Downtown Montreal, the former bus stops near where Griffintown station will be have been removed:
I will deeply miss those…