Vision - Réseau de tramway de Montréal

Didn’t he propose a tram that had 76 stops or something?

If its a tramway line like the peripheral in Paris that intersects no less than a dozen metro and train lines, its fine. Such a tram line has plenty of opportunities to transfer to a faster mode of transit, and that’s the mistake that people advocating for a tram in Montreal are making. You need the higher order network to be built up for such a tram line to work properly. There is space for trams in the transit mix of Montreal, but not as they are being conceived right now. The tram lines aren’t the primary mode of transit in Paris. They are feeder lines that support the heavy rail infrastructure.

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Ce cas particulier, je n’en ai pas entendu parler. Mais, effectivement il mets des tramway partout:
Prolongement ligne bleu, ligne orange.

Il parle aussi souvent du concept de tram-cargo, sans parler de toute la logistique que ça prend: entrepot, zone de triage,…

La dernière chose dont il parle constamment c’est comment à Lyon, le prolongement du metro n’a pas fait diminuer la part modal d’utilisation de la voiture. Mais, que l’ajout de ligne de tramway oui.

Cependant, ce qu’il oubli de dire, c’est que sans les lignes de métro, les tramways n’auraient eu assez de capacités pour répondre à la demande.

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Ok I checked it was for the REM de l’Est alternative, 54 stops which would mean a very very long travel time… the whole point of choosing the mode as a train is for longer distance travel, like you said, trams are great but more for local travel

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2 messages ont été fusionnés à un sujet existant : PUM 2050 - Transport collectif

Yep trams are basically bigger more efficient buses (which require their own infrastructure) So you use them like a bus but for higher capacity needs.

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