VIA Rail - Discussion générale

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Je trouve tout ça très triste. Un pays du G7 avec des problèmes comme ça avec nos transports en commun. Franchement nous sommes dans le tier monde à ce chapitre. Toujours à attendre au dernier moment pour faire des investissements.

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Malheureusement d’accord avec toi…

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Reportage de Global News

VIA Rail routes in jeopardy due to outdated train cars

VIA Rail is warning it might eventually have to cut service along some its nationwide routes because of aging, outdated passenger rail cars.

The majority of VIA Rail’s fleet is decades past their intended lifespan, and they are becoming harder maintain over time.

Global’s Mike Armstrong looks at the Crown corporation’s pleas to the federal government to greenlight a new fleet, and what’s at stake if they go unanswered.

On fait vraiment pitié sérieusement, c’est embarrassant!!!

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Behind the Scenes at VIA Rail Canada’s Montreal Maintenance Centre

VIA Rail Canada’s Montreal Maintenance Centre is one of several such facilities located across Canada (which include Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver and Winnipeg). These centers maintain, refurbish and repair VIA Rail’s fleet of long-distance locomotives and rail cars, that travel all across Canada, from Halifax to Vancouver. The centre is both vast and sprawling, inside and out, with a dozen rail vehicles undergoing work simultaneously. Rail Fans Canada and media were invited to visit and tour the Montreal Maintenance Centre, to learn about the important work being conducted to keep long-distance passenger rail service operating, both safely and efficiently.

Dans les coulisses de VIA Rail Canada au Centre de Maintenance de Montréal

Le Centre de maintenance de Montréal de VIA Rail Canada est l’une des nombreuses installations de ce type situées partout au Canada (qui comprennent Montréal, Toronto, Vancouver et Winnipeg). Ces centres entretiennent, remettent à neuf et réparent la flotte de locomotives et de wagons longue distance de VIA Rail, qui circulent partout au Canada, de Halifax à Vancouver. Le centre est vaste, à l’intérieur comme à l’extérieur, avec une douzaine de véhicules ferroviaires en travaux simultanément. Rail Fans Canada et les médias ont été invités à visiter le Centre de maintenance de Montréal, pour en savoir plus sur les travaux importants en cours pour maintenir le service ferroviaire voyageurs longue distance opérationnel, à la fois de manière sûre et efficace.

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I was looking for information on the plan for Dorval station and I found that Systra had been involved in studying the construction of a new intermodal station as part of a larger project to upgrade VIA’s infrastructure in Montreal. The call for tenders was published in early 2022.

As far as I can tell, the two grade separation projects also mentioned would be the Courcelle and St-Ambroise crossings in St-Henri.


CLIENT VIA Rail Canada, Lemay
DATES 2022-2023
MISSIONS Assist VIA Rail in studying the possibility of an intermodal station in Dorval
ACTIVITY Technical assistance, preliminary study, basic design, conceptual design, preliminary design

In its 2021 budget, the federal government proposed providing VIA $491.2M in funding over six years starting in 2021-22 for infrastructure investments that would support the overall success of the high frequency rail project. These investments will help reduce bottlenecks, improve fluidity and connectivity, and allow VIA to take an important step towards high frequency rail. With this in mind, the Montreal Mobility Modernization (MMM) program was created.

The program is divided into three projects identified by the Government of Canada and that VIA was mandated to complete:

  1. Eliminate two railway crossings in downtown Montreal;
  2. Improve sidings in the Butler sector to convert them into main tracks and build a freight train bypass;
  3. Build an intermodal station in Dorval.

The main project phases for building the Dorval intermodal station are:

  • Phase 1: Preliminary studies and concepts (used for an MoU with stakeholders);
  • Phase 2: Detailed studies and drafting of documents required for Phase 3;
  • Phase 3: Procurement;
  • Phase 4: Construction.

This mandate only applies to assistance in preliminary studies and concepts of the Dorval intermodal station (Phase 1) and of the station’s parking lots and access points.

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I don’t understand that one.
Why start a renovation/rebuilding of that station right before knowing the needs and configuration required for the HFR/HSR project that will likely use that corridor.

Des études préliminaires, pour justement valider ce qui en coutera, et les options possibles.

the crossings have been cancelled, Dorval is the only project left standing from this program!

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studies had already been done beforehand on where the HFR could go. it lead to the reference project that was used for the current RFP. based on those studies, the canadian government decided to finance 3 projects that could help clear the way for HFR. this was during COVID, and the government wanted to help the economy through those projects.

They already know what HFR might need. They built the airport overpass with accomodation for future HFR tracks. They will likely build Dorval station the same way, with accomodation for future HFR platforms in mind.

I know that the stm, exo, bixi, the artm and the city of dorval are all in talks for that new intermodal station.

stm, exo, via and dorval is the obvious quadro for the intermodal.
(Stm for the new bus terminus)
(Exo for the cp tracks)
(Via for the cn tracks)
(Dorval for the signage)

(Artm is if the tramway/brt gets to dorval (since half the options forgets that dorval exists))
(Bixi is because they will be serving dorval soon with a station there)

So let’s hope it’s a true intermodal station and not the hodge podge we have rn.

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Manque plus que CDPQi pour une extension du REM de moins d’un kilomètre :crossed_fingers:

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Pis un deuxième tunnel sous l’aéroport car c’est du single track UGGG

A moins qu’on utilise la merveille de l’automatisation pour séduler les véhicules parfaitement

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C’est une raison pourquoi je souhaite qu’ils gagnent le contrat du TGF/TGV.

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Le budget fédéral mentionne que du financement serait prévu pour ça:

"Dans son budget de 2024, le gouvernement propose de verser les financements
suivants :
Un financement de 462,4 millions de dollars sur cinq ans, à compter de
2024-2025, avec 120,7 millions de dollars en amortissement restant, pour
l’exploitation du réseau de VIA Rail.

Un nouveau financement pour permettre à VIA Rail de remplacer son
parc ferroviaire vieillissant sur les itinéraires à l’extérieur du corridor
Québec-Windsor. Afin de protéger la position du gouvernement dans la
négociation d’un processus d’approvisionnement à venir, les montants de
financement ne sont pas rendus publics."

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Bien hâte de voir ce qu’ils vont commander…

J-F Savaria a fait une visite du centre d’entretien de VIA Rail à Pointe-Saint-Charles

Sur sa page FB


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70 ans… “Via, un musée ferroviaire roulant” ou “Le passé, aujourd’hui!” seraient mieux comme slogans.

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