Station Mont-Royal

I honestly feel that its better to have a cable that can be pulled out then a cable that is screwed in. If its pulled out, you can, at the very least, just push it back in its socket. Screwed in terminals do some serious damage when they are ripped out of a device. Ideally, the socket and cable should not be accessible.

True indeed, however if you have to send a tech to go fix something it’s more ideal to send out the tech as lest often as possible. In the case of exo we are speaking of trains who does rumble the ground. You would be surprised of the amount of times i have seen usb c/hdmi/dp cables managing to get vibrated out of socket in industries over time.

It would be better to just replace the entire device for the cost of once than constantly sending a tech to replug cables

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I’m low-key surprised we haven’t switched to casting content to save ourselves the hassle of cable management. I understand the security risks of content casting though as all the equipment would have to be on its own closed loop network and pin restricted to make sure nobody tries to hijack the signal.

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USB-C utilise le protocole DisplayPort.

Displayport cables also have a locking mechanism unlike HDMI or USBC

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23 juin 2024
Petit détail que j’ai remarqué, de loin, le numéro de porte cache l’écran.

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Quand la main gauche ne parle pas à la main droite

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