Station McGill

“Jours sans incident avec perte de temps.” C’est une phrase au complet. 53 jours sans incident avec perte de temps sur ce chantier, les cases pour ‘l’ensemble du projet’ et ‘Antenne Centre Ville’ demeurant vides.

2 « J'aime »

41 « J'aime »

Wow! Merci, @tcardinalsirois Quelle tounée!!:+1:t3::+1:t3:

11 « J'aime »


Début de l’installation du mobilier urbain ?

30 « J'aime »

Encore un exemple d’“architecture hostile” :sweat_smile:

1 « J'aime »

Ça fait plaisir! :grin:

2 « J'aime »

The Hole at McGill station has the walls removed in the outdoor area so you can see… the staircase down the platforms! It’s not as progressed as I would’ve thought:

The tracks are actually there:

26 « J'aime »


5 « J'aime »

The staircase to nowhere!

and the 50 foot magnifying glass. And that escalator to nowhere. : r/TheSimpsons

11 « J'aime »

And it’s supposed to start testing in the spring? :expressionless:

3 « J'aime »

Not on this portion.

1 « J'aime »

Only the section around DM. This section currently isn’t planned to begin testing internally until early 2025. Hopefully it’s earlier, but looking that this, it’s probably accurate

1 « J'aime »

Wait, isn’t the rest of the network (excluding airport and Marie-Curie) supposed to be up and running by end of the year?

Source: Work schedule 2024 | REM

7 « J'aime »

Yes, the public plan is end of 2024, the internal plan is early-mid 2025, like around May possibly. I’m guessing they don’t want to change the dates constantly as it’s still a bit far off, and possibly to avoid Parkinson’s Law, although not sure about that last point that’s just my speculation haha

1 « J'aime »

Do we know what works remain at McGill and Édouard-Montpetit stations?

Like if it’s interior work, elevator, etc. Could it be possible to run the line despite those stations being unfinished and open them up when they are ready. Tho I could see why they would prefer pr wise to open everything 6 months late.

It’s just we went for the Deux-Montagne line from you’ll still be able to go downtown while they work on the rem. To it will be close for 2 years. To then 4 and now possibly 5.

2 « J'aime »


For Édouard-Montpetit, according to the REM website:

Nature of the work:

The Édouard-Montpetit station entrance has been clearly visible from the outside for some time now. Less visible but just as important, work on the interior of the station and platforms is continuing in parallel. In addition, exterior work will take place from spring 2024 to complete the landscaping around the entrance.

These activities will continue through the winter and spring of 2024 in the following sequence:

Steps Schedule
Continuation of the station’s interior design (elevators, partitions, ventilation, electricity, finishing, etc.) Ongoing, until spring 2024
Finalization of the development of the STM Blue Line access corridor Ongoing
Exterior envelope finish Starting in spring 2024:
Finalization of the exterior design (paving stones, street furniture, plantings) Starting in spring 2024
1 « J'aime »

Il existe très peu de détails pour McGill, mais voici ce qu’on sait en date du 3 février 2024…

Un jalon important a été franchi récemment : l’installation de la structure d’acier, le squelette de la station, est maintenant quasi complétée!

Les travaux de réfection de la double voûte du tunnel Mont-Royal se poursuivent également dans le secteur. Le renforcement de la voûte est maintenant complété au sud et les équipes se concentrent maintenant à remplacer les infrastructures ferroviaires.

1 « J'aime »

It won’t be.

Late spring or early summer like @mashdash said.

2 « J'aime »

Those are service staircases or the regular one for the users? i.e. is there a formal entrance to the station on McGill college directly?