Station Île-des-Soeurs

Makes sense, but there should be additional signage closer to the station to redirect people to that stop.

1 « J'aime »

not an expert on wayfinding, but if I was the person who had designed these signs, I would have replaced Terminus centre-ville by Gare Centrale even though the bus goes to Terminus centre-ville cuz new transit users won’t know what TCV is

4 « J'aime »

2 « J'aime »

After speaking with CDPQ Infra today about wayfinding, they told me Île-des-Soeurs signage will be upgraded LAST. They plan on adding signs that point to buses at every station, but the STM is still not sure about which buses will stop where, and if they plan on using the loop, or on the street. I recommended they add temporary signage like the STM has done at some métro stations like Radisson and Bonaventure.

The company I’m working for also has worked with the STM (as they do the Mont-Royal pedestrianization) and want to add nice signage pointing to where users can catch the 97, 11 and 711 which would go down Mont-Royal. The STM has said the same thing, that they’re not sure where the buses will go, despite this happening every single year. So the STM seems to have some issues with this across the board.

5 « J'aime »

The STM really has an issue with the Nuns’ Island population, because they really want improved service on the 168 line.

Will that happen? I don’t know, but according to the resident’s Facebook group, several residents wrote to the STM to request that service is restored to its pre-REM level (9 min peak-hour, 20 min off-peak).

There’s also the routing they’re not happy about, but I don’t see how the STM can fix it. They want it to be on Golf and Commerce, but at the same time Berlioz‽

Un écran montrant les passages des bus a été installé, mais seulement du côté sud de la station. Côté nord, où passent la 12 et la 168, il n’y a pas d’écran.

Côté sud, là où il y a un terminus de bus pour les lignes qui ne circulent que sur l’île :

Côté nord, là où circulent la 12 (qui relie Verdun à l’IdS) et la 168 (qui relie le centre-ville à l’IdS) :

9 « J'aime »

La 12 A VRAIMENT BESOIN de rentrer dans le terminus IDS

1 « J'aime »

Bof t’inquiète, ce sera mieux comme ça. :grin: :+1:

New signage!

8 « J'aime »

Est-ce que c’est juste moi ou le fait que le 12 soit pas centré, c’est ugh? Aussi, ça aurait été bien d’ajouter genre Boucle de bus à droite ou qq chose de similaire.

2 « J'aime »

That’s exactly what I asked them to do! They said it’ll get temporary signage for now, so it’ll become more permanent in the future!

2 « J'aime »

Haha, ils ont effectivement juste copié collé le carré bleu d’une ligne à trois numéros et inséré que 2… ça parait pas trop designeur

It’s also missing the 872 line, and why not the emergency shuttles‽

Aucun des chiffres sont centrés. Les autres numéros de lignes sont aussi justifiés à gauche ce qui, selon moi, jure particulièrement quand il y a un chiffre en moins comme tu l’a souligné. Centré ou justifier à droite aurait été beaucoup mieux en effet.

1 « J'aime »

Yeah exactly, everything is centred to the left, with 000 being the minimum width. The boxes can expand to be larger, but not smaller, so 172 has a thinner width than 000 which is why it isn’t centred.

2 « J'aime »

872 is there on the left.

Seems to be standard for the signalétique métropolitaine.

At Gare Centrale:

Oh, I didn’t see it there.

I was expecting it to be on the bus loop side, where it also stops.

Yeah based on those signs plus the Nun’s Island ones, they follow this layout:

1 « J'aime »

Ok why is the rem backup plan signage not even on that sign

1 « J'aime »

The Métro backup buses aren’t on any signage except the actual stops like the REM shuttles. They’re doing the same thing, idk why the REM should include where their shuttles are when they already have maps in the stations showing it, and it’s extremely rare for it to be used