La page Facebook du REM a publié ce REEL il y a 1h
En tout cas, il manque pas de portes dans ce trajet! Mais c’est beaucoup mieux qu’avant.
With this there are only two sets of doors, one the butterfly door and one push/pull door to the platform. The longer way is one revolving door, then two push/pull doors, then another push/pull door.
The door on the right side (when facing from Place Bonaventure) is open and clearly marked with signage to serve as the entrance to the REM. However, at the bottom of this staircase, the doors are closed to prevent re-entry at this point. On the other side, the doors are open to encourage people to use the staircase on the right for exiting (when coming from the REM platform), guiding them towards the right side as they leave.
This is what I suggested they’d do, I’m glad they did!
Un message a été fusionné à un sujet existant : Gare Centrale de Montréal
Mais ce sont des portes ouvertes à part la remontée de l’escalier du REM. Une grosse amélioration.
25 messages ont été fusionnés à un sujet existant : Cartes, plans et signalétique métropolitaine
Depuis quelques jours tous les tourniquets côté Place Bonaventure sont non-fonctionnels. Un agent est sur place pour aviser les clients de marcher jusqu’à l’autre bout du quai, franchir les tourniquets côté Gare Centrale, puis scanner sa carte et revenir sur le quai. L’agent n’a aucun appareil pour scanner lui-même les clients.
Has there been any talks about incrusting the signed plate into the middle puck as promised with the opening?
Update · Les portillons en question sont désormais fonctionnels en date du 8 mai 2024, en soirée.
The REM picture near the main entrance at Gare Centrale has been update to reflect the spring season. Nice little touch.
If they have merchandise eventually it would be a great box to display it
It seems they moved to single track running at Central Station during rush hours, on the northern platform (VIA-side tracks). The departures on the the southern track are in the next 0 minutes (and trains don’t pull onto that track).
Potentially to facilitate testing? Maybe that’s overly optimistic of me, but seems like a move that would only be made if they need to free up the southern platform for empty trains to travel north through the tunnel
Je ne crois pas. Le tunnel n’est pas fini. Seul 50% du câblage a été installé d’après les dernières nouvelles qui datent d’il y a quelques jours.
A temporary art installation on the ceiling at Gare Centrale:
This is likely for a university class, similar to what was installed in Griffintown last year
It’s definitely… interesting
At this point did they lost the plaquard or they will embed it after the next election to add more signatures…