Station Gare Centrale (REM)

On mérite une communication beaucoup plus clair sur leurs intentions pour cet accès.

Si l’accès restera toujours bloqué pour des raisons de sécurité (incendie), laissez-nous savoir.

Si c’est plus facile d’en débarrer seulement la moitié pour contrôler un flot de circulation, laissez-nous savoir.

Si le REM retire l’affichage pour en ajouter un autre mieux adapté à leur charte graphique, laissez-nous savoir.

Si le REM ne sait pas encore, mais qu’ils sont toujours en discussion, laissez-nous savoir.

L’affichage mise en place était une grande amélioration et c’est très dommage de la voir retirer comme ça.

4 « J'aime »

What are you talking about? There’s no indication that you are allowed to enter the REM from th-

Oh wait…

11 « J'aime »

Not necessarily, I believe they initially wanted it to be a full on entrance, but after the 2018-2019 construction optimizations, they made the area exit-only to avoid costly negotiations with Kevric. Technically, “construction-wise”, that area IS planned as an emergency exit.

7 « J'aime »

LOL I didn’t even know about that one.

It should be more embarrassing for them that they upgraded/built an entire metro network in six years but couldn’t figure out how to make a single staircase wider.

5 « J'aime »

My guess is what @ComradeMark said, I do think there is hypothetically room for escalators in the weird open space they could add (I think, I’m not an engineer), but the question is when and who would pay, I guess ARTM and REM?

3 « J'aime »

I would have an simple solution for this, TURN OFF THE FARE GATES ALREADY, make it so scanning the gate locks it or something, if you want the entrance to be exit only then make it so people gets blocked at the fare gates at aka exit only gates

But no, they must get the money of those who managed to get in the exit only, that’s lost profits otherwise

Ça fait depuis les années 60 probablement que ce lien existe, ça fait des décennies que ce lien aurait dû exister.

Maintenant il est clair que le REM change la donne mais je pense que la facture pourrait être partagée à tout le moins.

  • La Caisse mentionnait que ce lien allait exister au départ mais ne l’a pas fait, donc je pense que l’on peut demander à ce qu’ils en paient une bonne partie;
  • L’ARTM pourrait payer une partie car cela requiert une interconnexion avec le réseau existant;
1 « J'aime »

Bingo, that’s exactly it.

5 « J'aime »

«We have not yet received an instruction»

Instructions from who?
ARTM installed working fare gates.
Kevric posted signs and reconfigurated their space for the acces.

What the heck is the REM waiting for? The REM seems to be the sand in the gears.

Maybe someone should contact Geneviève Guilbault so she can whip the REM! :rofl:

5 « J'aime »

It could be something as simple as instructions from the fire marshall in order to make this a real exit rather than an emergency one.

2 « J'aime »

The mayor said she wants to make it an entrance too, there should be an exception just for this staircase. There are 3 separate doorways between the REM platform and Place Bonaventure basement, unlocking one of the doors shouldn’t be that bad…

4 « J'aime »

I took a photo while passing by around 4:30 pm yesterday. The REM sticker was the only remaining. Of course people were waiting in line for someone to open the door because it’s faster to wait there than to do the long trip to the “official” entrance.

CDPQ needs to stop making up excuses and works with the ARTM to make this a proper entrance to the station, ideally before the opening of the A2 and A3 branches next year.

15 « J'aime »

We should all, whenever a person open the doors just put a doorstopper to avoid that the door close. I checked the cheaper is 1.29$ at IKEA. I think the only way to get what.we want is to insist on opening these doors. After a while CPDQi will understand…

8 « J'aime »

That’s one good tactik.

The other is, all those who are active on social networks should propagate this locked door nonsense.

2 « J'aime »

My partner and I got screwed over by this door last night, and we said exactly the same thing. Vigilante door wedges.

Maison Simons has some pretty stylish ones. You could have a pug holding the door for you.

2 « J'aime »

un bon business case pour un sans abris qui voudrais tenir une porte en échange d’un peu de change aussi!

5 « J'aime »

Selon ce que j’entends, de bonnes nouvelles s’en viennent.

10 « J'aime »

The issue is not that they don’t understand… This is probably a super silly standard/construction code issue…

1 « J'aime »