Station Gare Centrale (REM)

My OnlyFans is 50% off for the first month! :rofl:

1 « J'aime »

Shame on them that it took a student, some News coverage to finally realize it’s a problem… If it wasn’t for you, this would have never happened and we would still be searchin the REM in 2024.

9 « J'aime »

Or mabye they will offer you the job :joy:. It’s one or the other really.

Apparently with the other person who was able to reload their OPUS card, the STM actually said that was really cool they got that to work, then a few days later said it might be not that safe though so maybe take it down.

Compare that to the ARTM where they refuse to acknowledge a student actually did their work for them and is saying how it’s “complex” and that “work is being done.”

11 « J'aime »

Like former hackers who eventually are hired by cybersecurity firms Ha Ha

The elevator is finally fixed, according to their Twitter/X account.

This is after someone added a sticker to the elevator:

People are starting to realize that stickers are the solution

23 « J'aime »

Omg Mashdash, it seems that you started something that simply won’t be stopped.

5 « J'aime »

You should add “le p’tit criss” to your resume! Jokes aside, great work. We need more citizen movements, enough of the “someone else will fix it” attitude.

11 « J'aime »

In the same style, there’s a sticker + website service that is used by bike advocates in switzerland, ( people put a sticker with the website logo somewhere in front of horrible places for biking (or less often, good infra) and you add the spot on the map on the website.
We could totally import that here.

2 « J'aime »

I have a dream… More stickers, less tags!

3 « J'aime »

Both are good actually

2 « J'aime »

I don’t see what’s good in plastering KONG or ZONEK all around town, but let’s agree to disagree!

11 « J'aime »

The elevator is out of service again

Edit: And it’s back again. Very fun day for Otis lol

9 « J'aime »

Without saying too much, I had to deal with Otis recently for a defective elevator and service was very slow (waited over a week). It doesn’t seem limited to the REM unfortunately.

Isn’t Otis infamous for their extremely nitpicky elevators and relatively slow tech support? I know they’re everywhere, but their customer reviews are terrible!

I’ve heard that elevator technician staff is overstretched. In cities with huge building booms of highrises that are aging all at the same time (Toronto, but increasingly here too), there are way too few techs. I doubt it’s Otis’ fault. After all, it’s not like there are tons of elevator companies to choose from if they have to share a limited pool of techs

I count 15 on Wikipedia’s list. There’s got to be more than one of them operating in Montreal.

And here’s a list of compagnies that provide service in that domain in Canada.

I’m pretty sure they all fight for a pretty limited amount of qualified employees. That’s what’s happening in Toronto at least

Mon immeuble a des ascenseurs ThyssenKrupp. Ils n’arrêtaient pas de briser la 1re année. Il fallait limiter le nombre de personnes pour éviter les pannes.
Le moteur de l’un des trois a dû être remplacé la 1re année. Il me semble que les moteurs des deux autres ont été remplacés. Des pannes arrivent encore de temps en temps.
Au moins, il y en a 3 et non 1 comme à la Gare centrale.

2 « J'aime »

Ton immeuble a été construit par Prével?? :sweat_smile: C’est la même chose chez moi, on a 3 ascenseurs et 1 est en panne ça fait 3 mois.