Station Gare Centrale (REM)

They’ve updated the sign again and capitalized “Rue De La”:

Shouldn’t this be lower case in French? Or is it different in Quebec?

4 « J'aime »

It should indeed be lowercase…

3 « J'aime »

C’est censé être une majuscule : Rue De La Gauchetière Ouest - Montréal (Ville)

Ce nom rappelle Daniel Migeon, sieur de La Gauchetière (1671-1746), capitaine, propriétaire du fief par où passe cette voie de communication

4 « J'aime »

He’s right, I stand corrected.

It’s only lowercase when typing an address, but not when naming the street itself (as in an exit). They seemingly fixed it.
However, on informational posters with the station’s address, it should be lowercase.

1 « J'aime »

In this case, “De La” is part of a family name, so it’s capitalized. But for Avenue des Canadiens-de-Montréal, or Rue de la Commune, it’s not.

ALL CAPS labelling. Évitons le titillage.

1 « J'aime »

En français, la règle, c’est que les déterminants qui font partie d’un nom ne sont pas capitalisé si ils sont entre deux parties du nom.

16 « J'aime »

La première photo, le ciment a une craque… qui n’est plus visible sur les autres photos! Merveilleux :slight_smile:

Quel produit ou technique pour faire ça?


1 « J'aime »

Does it matter? That platform is exo, not REM.

Technically it’s Parks Canada that maintains the platforms, which is kinda funny

3 « J'aime »

Parks Canada? I thought it was maintained by CN and Cominar

1 « J'aime »

In the CN days (and STCUM), the platforms were asphalt, not cement concrete.

1 « J'aime »

Online it says Cominar owns the building and hall area, hallways connecting to other buildings, but it doesn’t mention the platforms. But actually after doing more research you’re probably right, because idk how Parks Canada could maintain just one aspect of the station lol

1 « J'aime »

There’s a little poster in a corner of the Central Station hall that references a Federal Transit Safety program, and CN’s logo as well as Cominar’s are on it, so I assume they’re in charge of the safety and maintenance of the building

2 « J'aime »

Technically it’s the company Cominar hires that’s in charge of that lol

Everything is lie! Everything is a different company from what we think!

2 « J'aime »

I asked Kevric about an entrance to the REM at Place Bonaventure while passing by their offices. The person I spoke to mentioned that it will be located next to the food court, where I previously shared photos, and they heard it will indeed be an entrance. However, I mentioned that there is talk of it being an exit only, and they said they weren’t completely certain, but what they heard was it would be an entrance.

14 « J'aime »

CDPQ Infra a mis le paquet pour faire la promotion du REM entre la station Bonaventure et la Gare Centrale:

Just a little peek…

19 « J'aime »

Nouvelles photos partagées par NouvLR des travaux à la station:

Automne 2022

Hiver 2023

Printemps 2023

33 « J'aime »