Station Canora

I have changed my tune on this recently, personally. I don’t think adding stations to the SJ line past Parc is a big deal, because the increased connectivity will allow people to get to their destination faster than taking the train all the way downtown anyway.

2 « J'aime »

you just forget the whole one seat ride. reason why people complain regarding the PSE and why the PSSO had an option to have the tram go all the way to gare centrale from dorval.

every transfer is a contention point.

1 « J'aime »

Not all one seat rides are made equal. The REM was controversial because it replaced a one seat ride for many without offering any new speed or connectivity benefits (until phase 2 opens).

The Saint Jerome one seat ride is already very unpopular, almost all customers that boarded before Parc are off the train by Parc or Vendôme. Adding a transfer at Canora means people with destinations near McGill or Gare Centrale (most people working/studying downtown) would save lots of time. The same is true for the Mascouche line, the detour around the mountain will be cut once the REM opens. And anyway, the one seat ride would still exist ? A station at Canora would at a couple minutes of travel time to a trip that is already slower than the metro.

Side note: the PSSO one seat ride scheme is also quite silly. The tram is would be almost 20km long, and at an average speed of maybe 20-22km/h if we’re being hopeful, the hour long travel time would be worse for almost everyone vs just transferring to the metro.

3 « J'aime »

I know that Côte-saint-luc is working on getting a train station for its self on the sj line

2 « J'aime »

If the connection is that attractive, then I’m not totally sure it’s a good idea to unload part of the most frequent and popular commuter line on the REM and take up a lot of any remaining residual capacity.

It also might be a good idea to wait for more details on hxr before advocating for that kind of investment on exo lines, particularly the two lines that most likely be impacted the project.

1 « J'aime »

While I agree about the REM capacity, HFR is a decade or more away and is basically an idea at this stage, no need to hold back for it. However it would be definitely a good idea to wait until the REM is fully open to see how much residual capacity exists and whether a transfer at Canora could be supported.

1 « J'aime »

For sure we would need to offset the Mascouche line and the st Jerome line timetables so that they don’t end up in the same rem cars

It would be nice for this station to have some sort of pedestrian bridge or tunnel to cross the tracks and Jean-Talon

2 « J'aime »

Je peux confirmer que déjà 90% des trains se vident après Parc. Ça c’est après que la plupart des passagers débarque à de la concorde. Autant faire une ligne RER en ajoutant quelques points de correspondance supplémentaires, le trajet que contour vers l’ouest est déjà sous-utilisé.

7 « J'aime »

Je crois que la majorité des gens qui débarquent à Parc choisiraient Canora à la place.

6 « J'aime »

Ça, ça va arriver vers 2030 quand tous les branches du REM seront achevés.

1 « J'aime »

Je ne suis pas sûr. Ce sera un groupe différent se dirigeant vers le centre-ville ou vers l’ouest. Les passagers débarquant a Parc aujourd’hui se dirigent majoritairement vers l’UdeM ou CDN

3 « J'aime »

Tu expropries ça et tu fais une belle gare. Faudrait se dépêcher avant qu’un promoteur achète le terrain.

6 « J'aime »

Je me souviens dans les premieres exquise du plan du Rem avant meme que l’on decide des stations Mcgill et Edouard Monpetit. On avait défini la Station Canora comme une possible station de transfert.