Réseau de trains exo - Discussion générale

Il y a 2 rames (sur 5) composées de voitures 2000 sur la ligne Saint-Jérôme. L’horaire de ces rames change d’une semaine à l’autre et n’est pas prévisible par le service à la clientèle.

Les voitures 2000 sont celles avec les portes au niveau du plancher du bas (donc celles qui ont le moins de marches à monter).

Il y a une toilette dans la voiture loge.

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Merci beaucoup!

Talking about trains in the new “exo” livery, here’s the one on the 17:40 departure on exo1.

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Exo has formally announced the renumbering of their train lines.

Your train lines are getting new numbers

With the REM coming into service, a number of changes are being made to harmonize the Montreal transit network. One of them is a new signage that has just been unveiled by the Autorité régionale de transport métropolitain (ARTM).


Here is the plan that will come into effect on July 31, on the day the REM starts running:

Plan du réseau de trains exo

Don’t worry!
You haven’t noticed any changes yet? It’s simply that the new signage will be implemented gradually. But don’t worry, your train line will be sporting its new number in due time.

A bit of history

Did you know that the metro lines, which we usually identify by the color associated to them, actually also carry numbers? The green line is number 1, the orange line, number 2, the yellow line, number 4 and the blue line, number 5. Number 3 was never used, the project having been dropped along the way. In the same way, at the time of its creation, exo gave its train lines numbers from 1 to 5.

Seizing the opportunity of the REM’s arrival, the ARTM now launches a complete reconfiguration of the metropolitan network. The aim of these changes is to unify, simplify and harmonize the signage in order to make it easier for users to navigate the different transit modes.

In this respect, expert teams in this field have come to the conclusion that each transit mode should bear a symbol (such as a number), a color and a distinctive feature. That is why the digit 1 has been added to our existing train numbers.

Tableau comparatif lignes de train

You may have noticed that the numbers are not the only thing that is changing! Indeed, we have also taken the opportunity to match the colors associated with our lines to those of the exo brand.


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Alan Fisher (urbanist youtuber) said on a livestream that he thinks Exo has the worst commuter rail network in North America. Do you think he’s right?

Frankly, as much as exo runs a barebones service on some lines (Mascouche, Candiac, M-S-H), at least Montreal has at least 2 lines with decent frequencies. It could be much worse, especially with the chronic underfunding AMT/Exo have suffered in the past few years.

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I mean, by worst does he mean least frequent? Or shortest? Or most expensive? Or slowest? Or worst land use? Because EXO is none of those. It’s fine actually compared to most of our American peers. It is however completely hamstrung by CN and CP railways (our two recurring characters that seem to be the root of a lot of issues in this country).

EXO can at least say that its fare integrated, which many cannot claim, including LIRR and MNR in New York…

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Je dirais que Metrolink (Los Angeles) est pire considérant sa population de 12 millions de personnes.

J’étais justement sur son stream tantôt, et je pense qu’une partie de son argumentaire s’appuie sur le fait que les trains de banlieue à Montréal c’est pas nouveau (la ligne Rigaud a plus de 120 ans), et que relativement peu d’investissements et d’améliorations ont été faites depuis.

J’ai l’impression qu’il voit aussi un peu du mauvais oeil le remplacement de la ligne Deux-Montagnes par le REM (il parle de dé-électrification et de ré-électrification), et parle aussi de l’annulation du REM de l’Est. Je sais pas à quel point il est familier avec le REM et l’état des transports en commun à Montréal.

Quand il a parlé de “through-running” à Toronto, j’ai immédiatement pensé : “Mais attends, le REM c’est comme si on faisait du through-running de la ligne Deux-Montagnes jusqu’à Brossard! Avec une branche vers l’ouest de l’île et vers l’aéroport en prime”.
Oui le train de banlieue EXO est moins bien globalement depuis la disparition de la ligne DM, mais avec le REM, c’est la mobilité dans la grande région de Montréal qui sera bien meilleure. Et puis on verra sans doute l’achalandage de la Gare Centrale augmenter significativement grâce au REM.

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Vous pouvez comparer les fréquences des lignes ici (trains par jour):
Los Angeles : Cartes ferroviaires des États-Unis | Région de Los Angeles
Montréal : Cartes ferroviaires du Canada | Région de Montréal

Considérons aussi que la région de Los Angeles comporte près de 13 millions d’habitants et que Metrolink dessert aussi un peu la région de Riverside-San-Berdardino (4,6 M habitants, mais c’est une région bizarre sans réelle ville centre, une espèce de banlieue interminable ,bref…)
Malgré ça, il y a des lignes avec 9, 10, 11 départs par jour par direction…

Au moins, les billets de train Metrolink sont apparemment valides et honorés dans toutes les agences de transport locales de la région, incluant les lignes de métro et tram à Los Angeles.
Ce n’est pas le cas, par exemple, des billets de Metra (Chicago), qui ne sont pas valides à bord du métro (‘L’), même si curieusement ils ont une application commune pour l’achat de billets (Ventra)

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I’m not sure I agree that it’s the worst overall, but I think what he might be getting at is that exo might be pretty low performing relative to the rest of the local transit?

LIRR and MN are pretty good, but transit in NY is for all its faults, pretty good.

Metra and MBTA commuter are okay. They have some decent coverage so they get decent ridership I guess. Their transit in the city is decent but not great so they perform as expected.

LA and Dallas have pretty bad transit IMO and if Metrolinx or TRE performs badly, it’s kind of expected?

Exo on the other hand, when compared to the STM, it seems to be underperforming the rest of the transit in the city. It hasn’t got great coverage, nor does it have exceptional frequency. It’s not entirely their fault, but I suppose I can sympathize with the claim if we’re judging the networks on vibes alone. In a city with decent to good transit, exo seems to be at best okay.

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Exo has the tough task of serving a large territory with low density and a limited budget. Plus they inherited a network that was run by dozens of smaller public transit operators with routes that are probably not so optimal in certain places. They have to redo their entire network sector by sector and that takes years.

Absolutely agree. I don’t believe where they are right now is their fault in the slightest. The government gave away their best line and they’re a giant melting pot of other agencies which need to play nice together. A challenge indeed. Add a non-supportive government and its nearly impossible.

That being said, what I would personally like exo and ARTM to do is to be more vocal about what they need or projects they’d like to see. Talk more specifically about what problems need to be solved. The ARTM is supposed to have some of our best and brightest when it comes to transit, the rest of us need them to lead us. Tell us what they need and why in order to drum up public support. Big capital investments? A couple extra buses to run shuttles? Let us know about all scale of projects they think can lead improvement.

I don’t blame them for where they are, and won’t blame them if they make noise and don’t get anything, but they need to lead. Lord knows the CAQ listens to public pressure.

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Exo and the government needs to start buying tracks from CN and CP and start building their own tracks along existing ROW.

If the Vaudreuil and Saint-Jérome were able to run more frequent and reliable service, EXO would get an important boost in ridership that would likely result in more investment from the government.

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There really isn’t all that much ROW left that CN and CP don’t actively use and need. CN and CP are already about as lean as they can get without compromising their operations. I guess that some rights of way are wide enough for additional tracks, and that’s about as much as we can hope to get from CN and CP. In the province of Québec, we committed the cardinal sin of allowing old disused rights of way to be sold and built on and now we are going to end up having to pay for our sin.

They changed the posted exo12 (Saint-Jérôme) schedule, not only the line number.

The (7:10) 178 train inbound to Montréal is now scheduled to arrive downtown at 8:35, whereas it was scheduled for 8:32 previously.

This very little change makes it not viable for me. I really had very little wiggle room to get to the office in time with that schedule.

Now, I have to take the train before that, at 6:35; this leaves me with 1 usable train per day. Thank you exo!

I was just curious to look things up cause I never take the train and found this…

Their whole website is a mess, they still use the really old colours and haven’t changed it to 11, 12, etc…

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13 messages ont été fusionnés à un sujet existant : Transport en commun - Discussion générale

The website finally features the updated colours, the name is still old though:
Screenshot 2023-08-07 at 7.10.09 PM

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La version française du site est à jour !

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Mais pas toutes les fiches horaires PDF… Leur stagiaire d’été n’a pas encore eu le temps faut croire.

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