Réseau cyclable montréalais - Discussion générale

Il faudrait du béton ou de l’asphalte coloré pour les pistes.

Si on peut faire des pavés de béton rouge, on peut sûrement couler du béton de couleur directement aussi… :thinking:

Le nouveau tronçon de la piste sur Ottawa a une couleur béton qui est plus foncé que le trottoir, mais c’est vraiment subtil…

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Reportage vidéo à Global News

Montreal cycling advocates call for REV-like bike path on Sherbrooke Street

By Gloria Henriquez Global News
Posted August 15, 2023 5:14 pm
Updated August 15, 2023 6:17 pm

Montreal cycling advocates say adding a bike path on Sherbrooke Street is a “no-brainer”.

They say it’s regularly used and its configuration lends itself to cars and cyclists sharing the road.

But implementing a path might not be as easy as they think.

Concordia University student Jia bikes between the downtown and Loyola campuses several times a week and they do roll on the artery.

“It’s faster and less crowded as well,” Jia says.

They mean less crowded and less dangerous than the existing bike path on De Maisonneuve Boulevard.

“It’s mostly a hot mess whenever you get onto Decarie Street and you have to climb that hill,” Jia explains.

It’s one of many reasons why Jia is asking elected officials to add a bike path on Sherbrooke.

They say several universities, including McGill, are along the way and would benefit.

Cycling advocate Mathieu Murphy-Perron agrees, saying many cyclists are already using Sherbrooke.

“People are avoiding De Maisonneuve more and more because of the dangers associated to Maisonneuve, so they need alternatives, and Sherbrooke is literally the only street in the city that does east-west,” Murphy-Perron says.

Murphy-Perron argues Sherbrooke is wide enough to host a bike path like the Réseau express vélo (REV) on St. Denis Street.

The REV features two separate lanes on each side of traffic and its considered a huge success with more than 1,000,000 rides a year.

While rearranging St. Denis to accommodate the path was a major headache for merchants, they are now reaping the benefits.

The street’s merchants association reported higher occupancy rates and higher sales after the path was implemented.

That’s what Naomi Jeong who runs Art et Fleurs flower shop on Sherbrooke hopes a similar bike path would do for them.

“I think it would allow the businesses around here to be more accessible,” Jeong says.

Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce borough officials say residents have brought up the idea and they like it, too.

“I think it’s an interesting idea and my goal since we came as an administration is to make our streets safer, and we know it’s proven, putting bike paths make streets safer,” says borough mayor Gracia Kasoki Katahwa.

But she says many steps need to be taken before they can start planning such a project.

“It takes a lot of coordination: for the lights, for the cars, for the buses, for the pedestrians,” Kasoki Katahwa says.

Talks with neighbouring cities, consultations and feasibility studies also need to be conducted.

With other projects on the drawing board already such as potentially reviving the Terrebone Avenue bike path, the mayor says they won’t be able to get a move on Sherbrooke until after 2025.

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Des nouvelles de la piste cyclable sous le REM sur la rue Marc-Cantin entre Gaëtan-Laberge et le Chemin des Moulins. Cette voie ne se connecte a aucunes autres pistes pour le moment et n’est pas très conviviale a accéder !

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Cette piste aménagée par le CDPQ infra devrait éventuellement être reliée à celle sur Gaetan-Laberge. Je ne suis pas certaine si c’est la Ville qui doit la terminer ou le Fédéral dans ce cadre de la construction du pont Samuel-De Champlain.

pour le bout Est, ça va se faire lors du redéveloppement du secteur Bridge-Bonaventure. Ce n’est pas une priorité prioritaire pour le Sud-Ouest. La complétion du REV Saint-Jacques/Saint-Antoine est le plus urgent et ensuite c’est une nouvelle piste sur la rue Hadley

Ils auraient pu faire une meilleure job sur le système de drainage. Même celui du boulevard métropolitain est moins laid…

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That’s my friend! :star_struck:

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La connection de Gaetan-Laberge au pont de l’ile des sœurs est déjà prête depuis des années mais elle est bloquée. Dans l’est je penses qu’on pourrait la connecter sur la piste du chemin des moulins (devant Canada Malting Co. Limited).

A terme cette piste va être très utile comme voie express pour les gents qui viennent du sud/ Pont Champlain vers le centre ville. Elle permettra de “bypasser” vurdun, PSC et le canal Lachine.

En Effet, les fins de semaine les pistes de verdun, PSC, Canal Lachine sont très achalandées. Avec des famille, des “commuter” et des cyclo-sportif qui rentrent par la voie maritime/Estacade pont Champlain. La cohabitation est pas toujours très évidente.

Je penses que cette piste va naturellement attirer les cylo-sportif et les commuter car elle est plus directe. Les piste de Verdun/PSC vont redevenir plus locale et calme pour les familles.

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Est-ce que ce tronçon est complété?
Sur GoogleMaps, la piste s’arrête à l’intersection précédente de Gaétan-Laberge/Bretelle de l’A15

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La dernière fois ou j’ai passé (~il ya un mois) cette partie était en construction: on peut voir la piste mais c’est encore en gravier. Je vais prendre des photos la prochaine fois que je passes.

Vue sur Facebook

Le pont sur les boul. des Galeries d’Anjou au dessus de l’autoroute 40 a maintenant une piste cyclable protégée
Je ne me souviens pas d’une voie cyclable au nord du pont, mais du côté sud elle va jusqu’à Saint-Zotique et est aménagée dans un ancien espace gazonnée bordant le terrain des Galeries d’Anjour.

La piste fait partie du projet de reconstruction du pont d’étagement par le MTQ (Numéro SEAO 8503-15-1102)

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Une autre photo du pont

Je ne comprends pas le changement de côté du trottoir

P-ê pour éviter de couper les piétons en bas de la pente pour virer sur l’avenue de Belfroy?

Source : Facebook

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je penses c’est pour offrir un virage qui permettra aux cyclistes de traverser la rue avec un angle de 90 dégrée (Plus sécuritaire).

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REV St-Denis

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Ça c’est tout un game changer, cette intersection était tellement hasardeuse. Je ne peux compter le nombre de fois où je me suis fait frôler dangereusement par un véhicule au coin Nord-Est de l’intersection Cherrier St-Denis, ou des véhicules pressés qui n’attendaient pas la traverse finale de piétons pour effectuer un virage rapide. Maintenant, il faudrait refaire une beauté à ce terre-plein qui est vraiment tristounet. Ç’aurait été bien d’élargir les trottoirs aussi, ils sont faméliques dans ce tronçon.

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Dans un sujet relié au réseau cyclable, le vol de vélos à Montréal avec statistiques par Poste de quartier

La STM ne prévoit pas construire d’autre abri-vélo comme celui à la station Lionel-Groulx :frowning:

You’re most likely to get your bike stolen in these Montreal neighbourhoods

On average, more than 2,200 bikes a year are stolen in Montreal

Holly Cabrera · CBC News · Posted: Aug 24, 2023 4:00 AM EDT | Last Updated: 4 hours ago

Three bicycles are locked to a bike rack in front of a park
As of July 31, Montreal police received 1,511 bike theft reports this year. (Holly Cabrera/CBC)

The nightmare of every Montreal cyclist finally came true for Cole Shields this month: someone stole her beloved bike.

One morning, she locked it against the staircase railing of her Hochelaga-Maisonneuve home across from Lalancette park. By the time she got home in the late afternoon, it was gone.

Her east-end borough isn’t the safest for bikes, with an average of slightly over 100 bikes a year getting nicked, but it’s far from the worst.

In sheer numbers, over the past four and a half years, more bikes were reported stolen in the Plateau-Mont-Royal borough than in any other borough, according to data from the Service de police de la Ville de Montréal (SPVM) compiled by CBC News.

In terms of the highest rate of bike theft, the east end of Ville-Marie is considered the worst, with 42 bikes reported stolen for every 1,000 residents.

Those numbers may be even higher, an SPVM spokesperson said in an email, because in Montreal — a city that boasts about its cycling culture — bike larceny goes underreported.

The number of bike-theft cases opened has been fairly consistent between 2019 and 2022, with about 2,200 reports filed annually on average.

Shields is just one of nearly 1,000 people whose bike was snatched in the city this summer. Even Montreal police Chief Fady Dagher had his stolen in June, according to the Journal de Montréal.

A woman wearing a yellow short-sleeve shirt stands beside stair railings.
Cole Shields has yet to file a police report about her stolen bike. (Holly Cabrera/CBC)

After Shields underwent a spinal fusion in 2018, having her bicycle swiped especially stings because the $700 bike had enough suspension to absorb the impact of countless Montreal potholes she’d come up against.

“When they took that from me, they took some of my freedom,” she said. “It’s a mode of transportation. And with global warming, it’s something I can use where I’m not polluting.”

East end of downtown Montreal has the highest rate of reported bike theft in the city

How to protect your bike

Although Vélo Québec CEO Jean-François Rheault says it’s impossible to make a bike completely theft-proof, there are steps cyclists can take to better protect their environmentally friendly ride.

For one, Rheault recommends they keep a record of the bike’s serial number and sign up for Garage 529 — a free app to track local bike theft reports and discourage stealing.

More than 20,200 bicycles in Montreal were registered on Garage 529 by the end of July. The SPVM joined the app’s network in 2021.

“The more people use the database, the stronger it will become so we encourage everyone to do that,” he said.

Even longtime bike-owners fall prey to thieves.

Rheault says many cyclists are unaware that they haven’t locked their bike securely, noting that he often sees bicycles whose front wheel and frame are unlocked.

To put off casual opportunists, he recommends that cyclists invest in high-quality, heat-treated steel locks that cost at least $50, since many low-performing locks are made of zinc — a soft metal — which is less resistant to cable cutters, saws and hammers.

Bicycles are locked up at a bike rack behind the national library and archives, BAnQ, in Montreal.
Jean-François Rheault says many cyclists are unaware that they haven’t locked their bike securely. (Holly Cabrera/CBC )

Installing a GPS tracker or an Airtag is also worthwhile for cyclists in case they end up needing to hunt down their bike.

“If someone wants to steal it, I think they can always find a way, but creating multiple defences is one thing that people can do,” Rheault said.

Potential public bike storage

Rheault thinks the availability of more indoor bike storage would dissuade people from brazenly stealing in broad daylight.

“The city is aware of the problems of bicycle theft and is working with various partners to counter this problem,” said Montreal spokesperson Hugo Bourgoin in a statement.

Montreal’s transit authority, the Société de Transport de Montréal (STM), has one bike shelter in its entire network. The shelter, meant for Metro users, is discreetly located behind the Lionel-Groulx station.

Bike shelter is surrounded by grass.
The only bike shelter of Montreal Transit Authority’s network is behind the Lionel-Groulx Metro Station. (Holly Cabrera/CBC)

For now, there are no plans to build others, a STM spokesperson said.

Bourgoin says Montreal’s sustainable mobility agency is evaluating business models that could support building secure spaces for bicycles before it makes any recommendations.

Ideally, a new approach to public bike storage could be deployed in 2024 as part of the implementation of new mobility hubs, he added.

Knowing that many Montrealers are struggling with the cost of living and finding permanent housing, Shields says she bears no ill will toward anyone who feels they need to steal bikes to get by.

“I want to hope it was somebody who really really needed food,” she said.

Assuming that the police will tell her they have “bigger fish to fry” than pursuing bike theft cases, she says she is considering filing a report as a last resort.

“Now that the police chief himself got his bike stolen, maybe he’ll want to re-prioritize it,” she said.

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Je sais que c’est de l’optimisme, mais ce n’est pas la faim qui motive le vol de vélos. Heureusement, nous ne sommes pas en Europe médiévale. Malheureusement, ce sont probablement des chop-shops qui utilisent l’argent pour acheter de la drogue. C’est le cas à Vancouver, notamment. Le spvm doit utiliser des bait bikes pour savoir où ils vont !

I will build a shelter there and brand it as an STM one… jk lol

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La STM est au vélo ce que le CN est à la mobilité de passagers en train.

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Est-ce qu’il existe un score ou une certification destiné aux sociétés de transports évaluant la qualité de l’intégration des transports actifs à leurs services de trains, bus, etc.?

Je rajouterais, la STM est au vélo ce que le MTQ est au transport collectif : fournir le minimum acceptable.

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