There’s an ad for the REM (more CDPQ, similar to the one in the metro) on a digital billboard along the A-10 near Panama station
La marche à vide n’est pas commencée malgré la hautre fréquence des rames ce matin.
Les rames roulent encore à 4 voitures en dehors de heures de pointe,
@Barbes_Rochechouart finalement la pub n’était pas mensongère
J’suis pas sûr de savoir à quelle pub tu réfères?
Pour une raison obscure, c’est ce genre de A-10 qui m’est venu à l’esprit… (désolé d’interrompre le fil)
Une fois tu avais commenté une photo en disant qu’on verrait pas le centre-ville à partir du train. Mais ça date tu as du oublier.
Ca semble etre un probleme recurent avec la syncronisation des portes pallieres et le train. Comme sur ce video du MRT de singapour.
They’re using the same technology on the REM as in Singapore. In fact, I think I shared it before, the person in charge of the platform screen doors is actually from Singapore. I’ll see if I can get in contact with them (friend of a friend) and maybe ask what the issues are
Hopefully the REM stations are enclosed i could imagine more issues with snow and cold weather.
Great idea ! I’ ll drink to that. I’ll have a Singapore sling.
Perhaps there was too much unexpected traffic on the leaked website…
Edit: Actually it seems to be only with certain parts of the website. It might be areas they are actively working on.
Edit 2: The whole website is locked now
Donc c’est Pierre Barrieau qui est en charge de donner l’autorisation finale? Hé ben!
Before the website was locked, it was actually being updated. Here’s a screenshot from Wednesday, where the info at Gare Centrale is pretty small:
This was improved today, right before the website was locked, to include the exo logo and more:
This makes me believe the neighbourhood maps we saw were just the base, and they plan to have more information when the website is publicly released
Je vais faire une tournée lundi, mais en effet la première ligne de 36 I’m est loin du centre; l’extension sous le centreville est en construction maintenant, pour ouvrir l’année prochaine.
Although on the website they said the first departure from Gare Centrale is at 5:50 am, they seem to bring trains to Gare Centrale at around 5:24 am (on both tracks), to get them starting at 5:30 am. I wonder if for the opening, if there are lots of crowds, they’ll start them both at 5:30 am at least
I guess 5 am starts will arrive with the opening of segments west of the MR tunnel.
Ce sont des annonces de CDPQ donc on risque de voir d’autres pubs avec d’autres projets/divisions de la Caisse, du genre “Propulser l’immobilier” pour Ivanhoé Cambridge etc.
J’ai hâte de voir les vraies pubs du REM