REM - Discussion générale

A Toupin REM station is a good idea. While we are at it, why not a Thimens station, connected to Sarleton and Maple streets?

2 « J'aime »

I don’t think the Saraguay McMansion (and straight-up mansion) owners would use it, nor is it particularly close to the hub of activities along HB/Thimens. It’s not far, tbh, just not a place I’d be in a rush to add (and in so doing, slow the transit times for the DM branch). Toupin, otoh, is adjacent to fairly dense plex neighbourhoods north and south of the line as well as western Bois-Franc/Challenger.

2 « J'aime »

Oh, and that’s almost exactly at the flyover (the “Jonction de l’ouest”)

Yes, it is almost there. Such a station could make it easier for an airport train shuttle on a seperated track, like the one you were talking about some threads ago.

1 « J'aime »

If anything a station at A13 would be a better idea.

2 « J'aime »

I doubt there would be much local traffic though, a station there would only really be effective with a very efficient feeder bus service to Ste-Do/St-Martin/Fabreville… but the 13/Pitfield to Laval is jammed from HB to Samson from 2 pm to 7 pm every day. It doesn’t matter how many times they’ve tried to reconfigure the on ramps and off ramps at de Salaberry, it will always be a mess.

1 « J'aime »

If they would put buses connected to that supposed REM station, there would be less congestion on A13.

1 « J'aime »

How about reserved lanes? Would that help?

1 « J'aime »

Not from Pitfield (ie. “the service road”) up onto the 13. It’s just a constrained mess.

2 « J'aime »

Peut importe si les trains fonctionnent bien ou pas dans le verglas. Le dangers de glaces qui tombent forcera certainement la fermeture dans des cas extrême et rare comme celle-ci…

4 « J'aime »

Savons-nous qui s’occupera de la sécurité dans le REM et ses stations ?
À voir ce reportage, le problème va se retrouver très rapidement dans le REM.
Va-t’il y avoir des intervenants en psycho-social comme dans le metro ?

2 « J'aime »

c’est un bon test aussi pour la solidité des caténaires.

I swear someone at Apple reads these forums and is going through the comments of people saying what mode it should be, because they changed it again back to “Light Rail Station” lol

It seems as though GPMM has outsourced security to private security firms (like Garda at Panama station and TCV). I assume it’ll be the same case on the REM, which is a good thing since it’ll actually guarantee system cleanliness and safety (i.e.: no bureaucratic STM inspectors doing nothing on the job).

6 « J'aime »

Si la station Griffintown-Bernard-Landry n’est pas encore construite, cela n’est peut-être pas dû au hasard. Il y a la construction du basin/parc Mary-Griffin juste à côté; et peut-être attend-t-on que se termine le débat sur la l’ajout d’une station Bridge-Bonaventure également…

J’ai trouvé ce video sur Youtube. C’est un mini-reportage fait par Thomas Cardinal-Sirois. Il y en a plusieurs autres sur cette chaine Youtube.

2 « J'aime »

Not sure where to post this… some updates on the tracks over the 40

12 « J'aime »

The fact that the yellow lines are only over the highway makes that part of the viaduct really stand out for all of the wrong reasons.

3 « J'aime »

What purpose do they serve?

2 « J'aime »

I assumed they are just art pieces. It seems ok to me.

1 « J'aime »