REM - Discussion générale

26 « J'aime »

Don’t forget bikes that also got burnt lol

1 « J'aime »

Wont’ stop me from criticizing
Happy others are also

Because for the other services/transport modes, it’s not their first winter and they are not braging that all is fine… oh no we’re still in never ending rodage… and we have it in control.

They need to feel the heat :fire:and it’s part of the game.

And maybe it :fire: will melt the snow and help them out :laughing::laughing:

1 « J'aime »

If you’re cooking, don’t forget to use all your burners, not just social media.

1 « J'aime »

“When everything is working normally the REM is quite a lot faster since it isn’t subject to traffic, red lights, or any other nonsense.”

That’s forgetting that for many people, taking a bus to go to the REM is a nonsense because it’s quite a detour. Also, there are only express buses to the REM until 8:15 in the morning. After that, it takes 4 times longer to get to the REM.

4 times longer? I just put in a random address in Chambly (near the water) to Peel station downtown and it takes 12 minutes longer outside of rush hour:

7 « J'aime »

Oh and here my version! :wink: :laughing:

1 « J'aime »

I don’t recall the REM PR team claiming to be better than other modes…

12 « J'aime »

I agree that that’s also nonsense, but that’s a case of bad planning in terms of service integration/harmonization with the REM. The REM introduces a transfer which does reduce the service’s attractiveness, but the tradeoff is that you need less bus-hours to get the same job done, which can be re-invested into raising frequencies or running all-day express buses, ultimately increasing the service’s attractiveness above what it was before the REM. For some reason, this wasn’t done, but that’s exo’s fault, not the REM’s fault.

I also would agree that the REM doesn’t offer as much flexibility (for example, the people who work at cite du multimedia ended up having their travel time more or less double). That was supposed to be accounted for with the griffintown station, but for some reason it was decided not to open that station with the rest of the branch. Still, for this case and any other niches the REM doesn’t fulfill, I would generally agree that a blanket ban on bus service on champlain was a mistake, and it should have been allowed, but deprioritized.

Ultimately, what I was trying to get at, though, was that in a like-for-like comparison, the REM matches at worst or beats existing service at best. A classic example would be REM vs RTL45 for Panama->GC. At night when the RTL45 has no traffic or other things to contend with, the REM matches the RTL45 in travel time but offers a superior frequency (every 7 mins till closing). At best, it absolutely trashes the 45 at best when the latter gets stuck in traffic and whatever else happens.

3 « J'aime »

Chambly is probably one of the best case scenario. It’s inline with the REM and there’s no stop in between. Look at Roussillon for example. The bus needs to go all along taschereau boulevard and stop everywhere. It takes 35 mins to get to the rem VS 15 min of express bus.

My 4 times longer was greatly exaggerated, sorry about that.
I’m still frustrated that express service stops at 8:15 when I used to take the express at 9:05 before. What used to take me 35 minutes in average to get to downtown now takes 1hr 15 min. It takes me the same time to get to the REM than it used to take me to be downtown.

4 « J'aime »

I guess they’re referring to the non-compete agreements barring other services from running in parallel with the REM (on champlain, to the airport, or otherwise) but I’d say that that’s not the REM claiming to be better but rather wanting to secure profits on their investment (even if I think that it wasn’t necessarily in the public’s interest)

3 « J'aime »

yeah I can empathize with that. I’m sure that in some cases it can’t be helped, but I feel like in many cases most of that really is just exo’s piss poor planning in effect. Going beyond the mental block of a transfer, it shouldn’t add more than about 10 mins to go downtown*, assuming a 3 min walk + 7 min wait, so for it to increase by 40 mins, exo must have screwed up royally to add 30 more minutes to the trip somehow.

*coming home is a different story & i won’t argue with anyone on that, transfers coming home suuuuuuuuck and are insanely unpredictable especially if the bus is hourly or half-hourly

5 « J'aime »

Ça c’est vraiment ce qui me dérange le plus. Autant les matins que les soirs. Auparavant, le dernier bus express partait du TCV à 18h40, les étudiants du centre-ville et même de l’UdeM qui finissaient à 18h avaient donc en masse de temps pour le prendre. Désormais, le dernier express direction Georges-Gagné part à 18h20 de Brossard. Un étudiant / travailleur doit donc être à la gare Centrale avant 18h pour prendre le dernier express, c’est une grosse réduction !

Ce n’est pas normal que le trajet qui me prenait au maximum 1h10 auparavant à l’heure de pointe puisse maintenant me prendre 2h (si je pars à 15h50 du Quartier Latin, j’arrive chez moi vers 17h45). Ce n’est pas normal que les utilisateurs de La Prairie doivent parfois laisser passer deux 650/651 (donc temps d’attente de 1h) entre 8h30 et 9h30 car ils sont trop plein.

6 « J'aime »

L’humoriste Martin Petit sur X

1 « J'aime »

Alors en fait, c’est la faute d’exo. Le rem a remplacé des centaines d’heures de services des bus exo, mais ils n’ont pas réinvesti ces heures de service pour améliorer (ou même garder) le même niveau de service. Ce n’est vraiment pas juste pour les gens du richelain Roussillon.

7 « J'aime »

Mon expérience diffère un peu haha. J’ai eu une meilleure expérience avec la stm aujourd’hui que normalement.

2 « J'aime »

Honnêtement, l’enjeu ce n’est pas le ré-investissement ou non des heures de service. Parce que pour vrai, aucune agence ne veut couper son service, c’est l’équivalent de se tirer dans le pied.

En plus des enjeux du mode de financement qui sont de plus en plus criant, il faut rajouter que le mandat reçu des élus municipaux dans le cadre de la refonte était de diminuer le service à 90% de l’offre pré-pandémique pour les services de bus. Comme c’est de plus en plus les villes qui doivent se substituer au gouvernement provincial pour éponger la facture des services de TC (ainsi que celle du REM, qui s’ajoute aux autres factures existantes), la refonte a aussi été malheureusement un exercice de rationalisation.

L’enjeu est donc encore et toujours politique.

3 « J'aime »

:person_facepalming:t2: après le bruit…les témoins lumineux.

Met des rideaux à tes fenêtres🤬

8 « J'aime »

Bruh who doesn’t have curtains and lives in a city…

11 « J'aime »

Oui, et certaine villes, comme Saint-Constant, ont prit les choses en main pour exprimer leur mécontentement:


Tel que mentionné ici: Transport en commun - Discussion générale - #873 par stumacm

2 « J'aime »