REM - Discussion générale

It really depends on where the track switches are. There’s a set before Gare Centrale, one after Panama, one just before Île-des-Soeurs.

Is it possible that they would built another one just before the tunnel entrance in Gare centrale or there’s not enough space to do so?

They shared photos once where there was a switch in front of McGill

There is one there already

3 « J'aime »

There was one before they began work. Right now, I don’t think that we know if they replaced it.

It’s there. Video from TurboLed
[Montreal by drone - Montreal REM 22 days before official opening - YouTube]

1 « J'aime »

Yeah, that’s before gare Centrale. I did mention it in my previous comment on this thread. What I’m saying is that when they began work, there was one after Gare Centrale.

I meant between the actual station and the entrance itself or if you prefer under Place Ville Marie

Hmm ca fait un bon 5 minutes que j’attend qu’un train passe et il n’y en a pas. Sont ils encore dans la marche à blanc?

Ils sont en train de tester à la gare centrale, aux 7min30

1 « J'aime »

I got an email from the REM about parking and the costs. I’m on the newsletter in English, so here it is, apologies it’s not French!

All about paid parking

Paid parking, managed by Indigo, will be available to REM users at the Panama station (77 paid spaces) and the Brossard station (849 paid spaces) when the REM goes into service.

Three options are available for paid parking:

  • Monthly subscription: $121.30
  • Daily reservation in advance: $10.29
  • Daily reservation on site: $10.29

For each of these options, you can park wherever you like in the area reserved for paid parking, and there’s no need to leave proof of payment on your vehicle’s dashboard.

Important: There are no payment terminals in the parking lots. Payment must be made online via the Indigo platform as of July 18, 2023 at noon.

Go to Indigo’s website

Monthly subscription
Monthly subscriptions for the Panama and Brossard stations will go on sale on July 18, 2023 at noon on Indigo’s website and the Indigo NEO app.

Quantities are limited for subscriptions and a waiting list will be set up by Indigo as needed.

Daily reservation in advance
You’ll be able to book your parking space in advance on the Indigo website or via the Indigo NEO mobile app as of July 18, 2023 at noon. The number of spaces is limited.

Daily reservation on site
Parking spaces will also be available on site. The number of spaces is limited. You’ll be able to pay for parking in advance on the Indigo website or via the Indigo NEO mobile app.

REM park-and-ride lots on the South Shore in a nutshell:

  • At Panama station, 227 free parking spaces and 77 paid parking spaces are available, including 39 spaces for a monthly subscription, 19 daily spaces that can be paid for in advance, and 19 daily spaces that can be paid for on site.
  • At the Brossard station, 2,099 free parking spaces and 849 paid parking spaces are available, including 425 spaces for a monthly subscription, 212 daily spaces that can be paid for in advance, and 212 daily spaces that can be paid for on site.

Oh maaan if REM forces West Islanders to pay for parking at Roxboro or Sunnybrooke, they’re gonna shit egg rolls.

11 « J'aime »

They will probably have both payed and free parking.
Like in south shore 227 free and 77 paid.
So if you pay you will be sure to have a spot, otherwise you got to manage to go early to find a spot on the free area zone.

ils devraient payer, le stationnement devrait être 100 % payant lol. Un stationnement gratuit signifie un stationnement complet durant toute la journée. Et il n’y a pas de “gratuit” quand il s’agit de infrastructure de toute façon. quelqu’un paie. Laissez le West Island se plaindre. ils devraient apprendre à un moment donné

7 « J'aime »

Je partage ton avis, mais je suis pour une approche graduelle pour ne pas repousser les gents a utiliser le transport en commun dans le West Island.

C’est pas tant une question qu’il “devrait” être payant quant à moi, mais d’usabilité.

Qu’ils les mettent tous gratuits s’ils le veulent… ça va faire en sorte que tous les parkings se remplissent à 6h du matin et que plus personne ne puisse les utiliser avant 17h.

3 « J'aime »

I believe they’ll do that during rush hour so long as gare centrale still acts as a terminal station.

You can see where it’s possible to change tracks (the Xs and vertical bars) on the screen of the control room

trains can run both ways on either tracks

Source : Le REM doit entrer progressivement en service « quelque part au printemps » |

3 « J'aime »

This wasn’t my point. I am suggesting what will happen if the huge Roxboro incentive parking will no longer be an incentive. Roxboro was the busiest non-core station on the DM line.

1 « J'aime »

It’s surprising that quite a few suburban stations have way more bike racks than stations in more central boroughs.

1 « J'aime »