REM - Discussion générale

Sans nécessairement être du “même type” que le REM, la CDPQ serait intéressée à mener de nouveaux projet de TEC (mobilité durable) ici ou ailleurs dans le monde. :point_down:

Several types of projects could be of interest to the Caisse in its search for new infrastructure investments, Emond stressed.

“These aren’t necessarily cut-and-paste projects,” he said. “There’s a wide range of projects, of durable mobility projects that are environmentally responsible. It can range from the REM to other types of transportation. We can be interested in other types of projects. There are maybe four or five projects for which we’ll be in preliminary talks, but these talks can last a while. Often people come to see us.”

Article complet: :point_down:

À propos du REM (phase 1), les travaux du réseau seraient complétés à (environ) 74%, selon le PDG de la Caisse, M. Charles Emond.

About 74 per cent of the network has been completed, he said.

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