REM 2 (Est de Montréal) - Projet annulé

Je sais pas, est-ce qu’on parle du REM de l’Est? :stuck_out_tongue:

Exact. Elle permettrait de donner une alternative sans correspondance à ceux qui vivent dans le vieux Rosemont ou St-Leonard. Actuellement, on doit effectuer un trajet en bus jusqu’au métro ou prendre la ligne bleue et changer à jean-talon pour se rendre au centre-ville.

Paige Saunders vient juste de finir son livestream pis y a dit qu’il est en train de faire une série de 4 parties sur le REM, dont la premère serait sur Youtube Vendredi.

4 « J'aime »

From what I saw on Twitter, I seems like that circle of influencers (Reece Martin & co.) all have the same opinion on the project and support it unconditionally. Highly doubt they’re CDPQ shills, but it’s just weird how they’re all going so hard for this project. Saunders’s work is consistently well researched and produced, so hoping the series will be more nuanced than his cheeky YIMBY takes on Twitter.

I hope so too. I think most of em support it on the grounds that it’s a decent (although not perfect) project that can get off the ground quickly and be rolling at the end of the decade unlike a government project which, for better or for worse, takes much longer.

He showed a snippet of the video where he explains the history of the CPDQi, the funding model, the transfer of risk to the cdpq, etc. He also explained after the clip ended what he doesn’t like about it, and how to address some concerns about it and he said 1 video will probably be dedicated to criticisms of the projects.

From what I saw it was good stuff and well researched and explained. I’m excited for it to come out.

‘‘It agrees with me, therefore its well researched’’
I like Paige, but he also shat on the first REM so, I suppose he’s gonna shit on that one too.

But hey, we can always let the ARTM do it, maybe we’ll get something in… 60 years maybe?

1 « J'aime »

You’re right… we should do it CDPQi’s way. Get the train within 7 years, bulldoze Tétraultville… it doesn’t really matter anyway, Pointe-aux-Trembles peeps will save 20 minutes on their way to work!

2 « J'aime »

Nope, that’s not what was said. So you can take a breather, and not project whatever narrative you have going on in your head.

As for the first REM, he mostly criticized SNC-Lavalin’s involvement and their practices in general, but not the actual line.

1 « J'aime »

I also remember him critisizing the REM for being a populist project since the projected routes were mainly in the CAQ’s circonscriptions (east MTL and chambly).

2 « J'aime »

Criticized? Not really. He noted that the proposed extensions by the provincial government (not the REM itself) were probably an opportunistic move to garner votes and reward ridings that voted for them, but ultimately he didn’t see it as a problem as long as some transit was built.

1 « J'aime »

‘‘It agrees with me, therefore its well researched’’

Look, he’s looking to go into the semantics of the contract, what people don’t like, what people like, and express his nuanced opinion on why this is the optimal solution. I don’t know what your qualifier is for well researched is, but okay. Sure.

I like Paige, but he also shat on the first REM so, I suppose he’s gonna shit on that one too.

Didn’t remember him shitting on it, so I watched the video again… He shat on SNC and politicians. Made jokes about the REM but didn’t say anything overtly negative.

2 « J'aime »

7 years, bulldoze Tétraultville… it doesn’t really matter anyway, Pointe-aux-Trembles peeps will save 20 minutes on their way to work!

If by bulldoze, you mean put in a 10m wide elevated ROW at the height of most buildings in an existing diesel freight ROW in between about 200-300 residences that are spaced more than 40m apart front to front without having yet discussed any other mitigation measures, improvements to appearance, etc and potentially make attractive parts of the city that will likely increase the housing stock during a housing crisis on top of making the daily commute of likely tens of thousands of residents shorter by a substantial amount all while probably still postively affecting their home value if they’re owners or even improving their transit if they aren’t.

If that’s what you mean by bulldoze, then yes I would bulldoze Tétraultville.

A good number of people (although not as many) are getting the same thing in their back yard in Roxboro and around Sunnybrooke. I feel bad for them all the same, but if the benefit is worth it, some people will have to take one for the team. It is just our responsibility as a society to compensate as much as is reasonable for the damages incurred. People lost their houses to build the Autoroutes and interchanges to let wealthy suburban people come into the city in a private car. This time we’re trading having to look at train tracks behind overgrown shrubbery for looking at concrete behind overgrown shrubbery and maybe getting marginally less light to give people of all classes more mobility.

Perfect is the enemy of good, and if we try to make every group happy, we’re going to end up with a ridiculously overpriced project, a less effective project, or both.

6 « J'aime »

Sarcasm: the use of irony to mock or convey contempt.

If you read the post right before mine, you’ll get the point I was making :wink:

Des riverains de Souligny font circuler cette photo sur FB - afin de recruter le plus d’opposants possible. Pas fort.
(On voit Dubuisson sur la photo)

Tout les moyens sont bons semble-t-il…

2 « J'aime »

The go-to aphorism for the hard-line YIMBY. I agree with the principle, but in practice what is the minimum threshold for “good” and who decides that? Projects of that scale should go trough a cost–benefit analysis, but here external parties chose a packaged solution beforehand (product before needs) for the city, and that’s a little f’d up.

CDPQ hasn’t really done anything to address that kind of content even when it made its way in newspapers, and then there’s the PM saying something foolish like “we’re going to paint it white to make it cute”… maybe they’re being careful and putting a lot of effort on the quality, but these images are now a primer for scale, and the longer CDPQ waits to publish their renders, the harder it will be to change critics mind.

5 « J'aime »

The other is “build it, and they will come.” It really should be, “Build the appropriate project where it is most needed, and it will be successful.” Forcing people to go out of their way to use something, just because you built it, is a paint-by-numbers of an elephant with no paint.

2 « J'aime »

C’est ça qui arrive quand la CDPQ n’a jamais montré de rendus autant pour les tronçons surélévé (et au sol) de REM Brossard-Aéroport que pour ce REM de l’est. Une première règle pour un projet est une bonne communication et ça passe par des visuels. Rien ne frappe plus qu’une image, même si elle est mal faite.

8 « J'aime »

Dubuisson c’est Souligny.

Vous sonnez comme les gens de Québec contre le tramway. Duhaime serait fier.

1 « J'aime »

Que proposeriez-vous? On vous a vu critiquer ouvertement les opposants au projet, mais on a aucune idée de votre opinion. Est-ce que vous approuvez ce projet tel quel? Est-ce que vous trouvez que des améliorations pourraient être apportées?

C’est beau basher tout le monde qui ne pense pas comme vous, mais si vous aviez une opinion un peu plus étoffée ça m’aiderait peut être à mieux comprendre, parce que pour l’instant vous sonnez comme la dogmatique mme. Rouleau…

1 « J'aime »