What caught my attention was the picture of Via’s Dorval station. The non-compete area for the REM is west of the 520 and Dorval ave, so that corner of the circle doesn’t have that limitation.
J’ai l’impression que les photos ciblent plus des endroits avec un potentiel de développement: des stationnements, zones vides, etc.
En arrière plan du sujet des photos, on voit quand même une trame urbaine souvent très dense, pas si loin des quartiers centraux de Montréal pour lesquels ont a crû bon de creuser un métro.
Par curiosité j’ai identifié l’emplacement approximatif des photos de la zone à l’étude et ça donne ça:
J’ai l’impression qu’il n’y a pas grande conclusion à en extraire à part qu’on envisage un lien au métro à Vendôme et/ou Angrignon avec un terminus à la gare Dorval.
Heading up (down?) Bouchard from the “airport area” has always been an interesting option, though it does get tricky between 55th and 32nd. It certainly couldn’t be a higher-speed “site-propre” tram west of 32nd.
I think we should avoid another Scarborough subway, and either extend the green line, or make a line that connects directly downtown someway. Requiring unnecessary transfers that basically everyone would need to do seems not friendly
That’s a rather good comparison, but we do need to admit that Lachine is unlikely to become the next Scarborough with a really dense core that includes a series of tower blocks. If we extend the green line, we probably should only extend it a single station into Lachine, and at the other end, extend the REM to Dorval to ensure that Lachine has a connection at both ends. Building more then that seems like overkill.
Not sure how realistic it is, but my dream scenario would be an extension of the green line into east Lachine, combined with a light rail or tram line that connects Vendôme>new green line terminus>Dorval REM along the 20/Victoria/Bouchard.
That said the section west of 32nd avenue is definitely tricky. Feels like the only viable options would be either a tram without a dedicated right of way or some kind of elevated rail along the 20? Also not sure if the REM non-compete would block any non-REM project that bridges the Dorval Station->REM gap?
I think extending the green line is ideal. The whole middle of LaSalle is full of parking lots and has little architectural interest nowadays - it cal be densified radically if good transit is provided.
You’d not only be connecting it to downtown but also to Verdun which has a ton of services, shops, restaurants, etc.
Further west, Lachine-Est has a lot of potential to be dense by the canal (it’s industrial / underutilized) and the core of Lachine is somewhat dense, but also an attractive destination in itself - historic sites, marina, waterfront, and it can use a little push to get more shops, restaurants, services. It’s a great candidate to be a 15-minute city (it sort of already is) and is only missing the TOD aspect. You could also get cars off highway 20 to park & ride just south of the Dorval circle if you put the end stop there, and shift the terminus of West Island buses from that isolated circle near the airport, to a place that is actually a place.
I think we would get two big new dense areas in Lasalle and Lachine-Est, and then integrate Old Lachine properly into the city. Lachine with subway access would be the kind of place a lot of people would dream of moving to. The southwest has amazing active transit by the canal and the Verdun/LaSalle shore, and the middle of LaSalle could become our next success story here.
Le projet du sud ouest doit avoir une vision à l’échelle métropolitaine, orientée vers le future et ambitieuse.
La prolongation de la ligne verte est certainement un no-brainer. On a pas besoin de débattre la dessus, on devrait se mettre à creuser aussitot que possible.
Si on avait de l’ambition, on connecterait le rem de l’est à travers le centre ville jusqu’au rem de l’ouest à l’aéroport. En deuxième lieu on dévierait le trafic de la branche deux montagne à travers l’aéroport, lachine et jusqu’au centre ville.
Reste à voir quel parcours prendrait le tramway. J’ai juste l’impression qu’on va débourser des grosses sommes pour peu de bénéfices.
Je suis vraiment curieuse de voir ce qui sera proposé pour la gare Dorval, considérant que VIA Rail travaille sur le dossier: https://www.merx.com/viarail/solicitations/Technical-assistance-Dorval-intermodal-station-project/0000216797?innerTabId=categories&language=FR
idéalement c’est une station intégrée EXO, STM, VIA avec un hall unifié bien sûr…
C’est pas mal là-dessus que ça s’enligne
J’ai bien hâte que des annonces publiques soient faites sur ce beau projet!
I started using Dorval a while ago to get downtown and the exo/stm installations are almost decrepit. A GO Transit-style unified station building would be fantastic. Maybe a bus terminal with shelters too?
Can’t say much, more info should come out in the spring, but yes, that’s what’s in the works
Hopefully, they don’t come up with another Vendôme. They seriously need to punch a hole through that wall and put fare validation gates so that peoples don’t have to needlessly go up a flight of stairs. Seriously, I don’t know how they got that one so wrong, especially when they had a lot of public comments to that effect. Its the small things like that which really bring a project together and make it a success.
As outsiders, it can be difficult for us to see all the constraints that the organizations had to deal with while developing the project. It might not seem optimal, but it could very well be the best the could do with the existing conditions and budget. For instance, what you are referring to, the tunnel is parallel to the track, and giving access through that wall would only work for one direction anyway. But overall, I think the Vendome hub project is quite well done.
Nationalize the railways
I’m honestly shocked that they use it at all. I thought it was exclusively used by exo between LuLa and Montréal-Ouest.
Oh great! I actually asked the ARTM about it earlier this year and they said it will be renovated with new signage too