Ouvrages d'art Tronçon Central - Discussion

C’est vraiment beau. Cela prouve qu’il y a un potentiel d’avoir des structures multi-usages sans sacrifier à l’esthétisme.

Même pour notre bon vieux métro à pneu, pourquoi ne pas le prolonger en aérien dans un bâtiment continu et fermé (protégé des intempéries) et construire des habitations/commerces au niveau de la rue?

L’exemple en tête est celui de Saporo, sauf que l’on devra miser sur une meilleure intégration (insonorisation et design) pour qu’il soit facilement accepté.



Edit : ma réponse se trouve dans le mauvais fil de discussion et je ne sais pas comment je m’y suis pris :man_shrugging:t2:


Fermeture temporaire de sentier - Travaux de clôtures sous le pont ferroviaire

Piétonne et cycliste

Du 26 août au 6 septembre 2024, de minuit à 23h59, selon l’évolution des conditions météorologiques


Nature des travaux :

Dans le cadre des travaux de construction du Réseau express métropolitain, des travaux de clôture du sentier sous la structure ferroviaire du pont situé dans le Parc nature du Bois-de-Liesse sont requis.

Pour ce faire, nous devons procéder à une fermeture complète du sentier piétonnier et cyclable du secteur Pitfield, empêchant la transition entre la partie nord et sud du parc-nature. Des panneaux de signalisation redirigeront les utilisateurs vers le chemin de détour.

Bien que les travaux s’effectuent en journée, le sentier demeurera fermé pour la durée totale des travaux.

Impacts et mesures d’atténuation :

  • Fermeture du sentier à la hauteur de la structure ferroviaire. La signalisation adéquate sera en place afin de faciliter la circulation entre la partie nord et sud du parc-nature.


J’ai eu la confirmation que ça travaille 24/7 dans le tunnel. Quatre équipes se relaient.



Il y a deux ans, j’avais un client à ma job qui travaillait sur le mur central et qui me disait la même affaire.

Merci pour cette information. OUI-----------!! :laughing: :+1:

Partial obstruction – Installation of fences on Laird Bridge

Du 3 au 6 septembre 2024.
Centre of Montréal

Nature of work:

Installation of a new dissuasive fences is scheduled for September 3 to 6. To carry out this work, barriers to a portion of the right lane on Laird Boulevard and the sidewalk above the REM right-of-way will be required.

A pedestrian detour to Cornwall is planned, while traffic will still be possible.

Map illustrating the obstruction

Impacts and mitigation measures :

  • A partial obstruction will be required for a portion of the right-hand lane on Laird Boulevard and the sidewalk above the REM right-of-way.
  • The work could cause noise, vibration and dust.
  • Adequate signage will be installed.

Complete obsruction at night - Paving and marking work

Road | Major | During the night only
The night on Sunday, September 8 from 7pm to 5am and the night of Tuesday, September 10 from 11pm to 5am.
South Shore

Nature of work :

Paving and marking work on Wellington Street is planned for Sunday, September 8 from 7pm to 5am and 11pm on Tuesday, September 10 from 11pm to 5am. For this work, a complete overnight closure is required between Peel Street and Bridge Street.

Detours will be in place for drivers and traffic signals will also be present to ensure the proper functioning.

Such obstructions will only take place at the night of Sunday, September 8 and Tuesday, September 10.

Map illustrating the work area

Impacts et mitigations measures :

  • A full night barrier will be required on Sunday, September 8 from 7:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. and on Tuesday, September 10 from 11:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m.
  • The work could cause noise, vibration and dust.

Savez vous pour quand environ l’ouverture du rem pour la phase 2 du projet?

Quelque part en 2025 :person_shrugging:

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Partial obstruction – Installation of fences on Laird Bridge

From September 23 to 27, 2024.
Centre of Montréal

Nature of work:

Installation of a new dissuasive fences is scheduled for September 23 to 27. To carry out this work, barriers to a portion of the right lane on Laird Boulevard and the sidewalk above the REM right-of-way will be required.

A pedestrian detour to Cornwall is planned, while traffic will still be possible.

Map illustrating the obstruction

Impacts and mitigation measures :

  • A partial obstruction will be required for a portion of the right-hand lane on Laird Boulevard and the sidewalk above the REM right-of-way.
  • The work could cause noise, vibration and dust.
  • Adequate signage will be installed.

Town of Mont-Royal Coffee Meeting - Presentation of the approach to noise

September 12, 2024

  • from 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
    Hôtel de ville de Mont-Royal
  • 90, avenue Roosevelt, Ville de Mont-Royal, QC H3R 1Z5

The REM team invites you to a coffee meeting to present the ongoing process surrounding noise analysis and to answer your questions.

In recent months, our team of multidisciplinary experts has been very active on the issue of noise in the Deux-Montagnes and Laval area. This will be an opportunity for you to fully understand the past, ongoing, and future steps concerning the management of REM noise.

A public meeting will take place later in the year to present the results of the analyses and, if necessary, any additional mitigation measures that will be installed.

*This site is wheelchair accessible. Children are welcome!

24_09-12-Affiches_Bruit_Ville-Mont-Royal_EN.pdf (3.4 MB)
24_09_12-Affiches_Bruit_Ville-Mont-Royal_FR.pdf (4.4 MB)

The documents regarding this coffee talk has been posted online

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Été 2024
Via le site web de NouvLR.


Night obstruction - Paving works on Bridge Street

Road | During the night only
On the night of Friday, October 4th from 11 PM to 5 AM.
South Shore

Nature of work :

Paving works on Bridge Street are scheduled for the night of Friday, October 4th from 11 PM to 5 AM. For these works, a complete night closure is necessary between Wellington Street and Mill Street.

Detours will be in place for motorists, and flaggers will also be present to ensure smooth operations.

These obstructions will only occur on the night of Friday, October 4th (date subject to change depending on the weather).

The map below shows the location of the works :

Impacts and mitigations measures :

  • A complete night closure will be necessary on Friday, October 4th from 11 PM to 5 AM.
  • Noise, vibrations, and dust may be generated by these works.

I didn’t know there was still work being done around phase 1

Penses-tu que ça va maganer le plancher si les jours de neige tous les trains sont mouillés quand ils rentrent dans le tunnel ?

With the right amount it should be fine. Snow will melt off each train.

So when you are smart they say no comment and when you ask just how is the progress they say 600km…