Ouvrages d'art Antenne Deux-Montagnes - Discussion

Let’s goooo I hope I manage to catch one soon!

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I got a video while I was waiting for the 968. Im not sure if its full speed testing yet but it was definitely a healthy speed. On the same direction, I saw two roughly 15 mins apart before my bus came


Le bruit, pas mal aussi. :+1:

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Mettons les calcules du prolongement sur la table pour la ligne A4.
Le montant du réseau par km est actuellement 125 millions de dollars.

Si on prolonge vers Saint-Jérôme : 125M$ x 35,82km = 4,5G$

Ou, si on prolonge vers Sainte-Adèle : 125M$ x 65,35km = 8,2G$

Alors, qu’on pensez-vous ? :grin: :heavy_dollar_sign:

Except it will probably be cheaper because the current price includes the vehicles and the maintenance centers


Though you need more trains to have the same frequency.

Come on. Ridiculousness.


People seem oblivious to the fact that the only reason the cost per kilometre was able to be kept relatively low was the fact that more than half of the eventual 67km network is using reconstructed existing rights of way, and doesn’t include the massive airport station complex. Any new extensions would require new rights of way, expropriations, expensive infrastructure, etc. All would be closer to the North American standard cost for above ground rail.


Le train de Mascouche a couter plus de 730 millions de $ pour quelques station et une petite extension du rail de repentigny a mascouche. Le gros des rails étaitent déja la. Il a été mis en service en fin 2014. J’imagine en $ d’aujourdhui combien ca equivaut.


Ça roule ce matin à Deux-Montagnes!


Capturé par Dévisubox à Sainte-Dorothée aussi!


Il faut exclure les coûts du tunnel Mont-Royal et les coûts des centres de maintenance et d’opérations.


That’s the whole point though. Transit is cheap when you use existing right of ways, it’s not like they cheated by using existing right of ways. For example, if (completely hypothetical because it’ll never happen) cdpq wanted to extend to saint Jerome, they would use either the a15 corridor or the exo corridor. The cost per km would likely not be much different than the cost per km of the existing rem.

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The “more than half” of the existing network is the former DM line, from the Canal to St-Eustache. The elevated sections in the West Island and PSC most certainly cost a hell of a lot more than $125 million per kilometre.