Ouvrages d'art Antenne Deux-Montagnes - Discussion

Donc la phase 3 des test vont débuter bientôt


That’s a fun letter. There’s a lot of videos on Youtube of train rides from the perspective of the driver, and one thing that is rather notable is that in many cases, they don’t bother erecting a fence. In other words, we’ve got a long way to go as far as education goes.

The fences can detect if people climb on them, so they can easy stop the trains before someone even gets onto the tracks. It’s the same ones they use on the SkyTrain in Vancouver I think


Des barrières anti bruit ont été installées dans Deux-Montagnes récemment, apparemment ils veulent pas un encore de l’affaire sur la branche sud. Perso je trouve assez moche (et ça coupe le vue du train :cry: mais on pas pas nier que le train est vraiment proche des habitations.

J’ai aussi remarqué que tous les graffitis qui avaient commencé à décorer ont été effacés, mais on les devine encore si on sait où regarder. Il y a déjà des grafs de replacement :stuck_out_tongue:


On devrait installer des observatoires ici et là :laughing:

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Je suis bien d’accord que c’est dommage les murs anti-bruits blancs au lieu de transparent nous empêchant de voir les trains passer et aux gens dans le train de voir le paysage.

Quelles sont les raisons: coûts, graffitis, vie privée des gens habitant tout près? Si c’est le dernier point, aurait il été possible d’en avoir des blancs lorsque c’est le cas et des transparents lorsque ce n’est pas un problème (e,g, viaduc Toupin ils sont blancs mais il n’y a personne tout près).

These appear to be the smaller barriers though, so the view from the train should be fine. The tall ones along Mel’s Cité du Cinema that block everything were a special request by the studio because outdoor filming would be visible from the train. They shot a huge scene from Scorsese’s The Aviator in Mel’s parking lot where they built Hollywood Boulevard from the early 20s with Leo DiCaprio walking around… imagine if people on the REM were taking pictures and videos of a Hollywood production and posting leaks and details on social media :joy: it’s a shame we lost the view there but I get it.


Curious to know if Mels paid for the extra height!


Photos des travaux partagées sur le site de NouvLR:

MSF Saint-Eustache - Hiver 2024


Pont grand Moulin

Étrange module sur le tractopelle et tas de ballast


Ça ressemble à un régulateur de ballast. C’est une machine qui vibre le ballast avec des fourchette de manière à accélérer le tassement du ballast et sécuriser les traverses.


Pour info:

Presque tout le REM sont des voies ballastés sauf pour l’antenne SADB, le segment autour de la station Roxboro, et le pont champlain.

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…Airport branch, PSC, Brossard flyover… So, about half.


Here is what is using ballast, based on what I saw in person and satellite images, not sure about the bridge by Laval but based on the image above it does have it too:


Yeah, believe it or not that adds up to about 30 km of ballastless trackway.


If we want to get even more technical, the portions that were built with the launching gantry (Roxboro, SADB and Airport above ground) use what is called direct fixation where the rail is attached directly to the pre-fabricated concrete. The PSC, champlain bridge, area between l’Anse a l’Orme station and the elevated guidway, airport tunnel, and brossard flyover were built with bi-block sleepers with a 2nd pour of concrete to lock them in place.


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REM Works Info
REM cars’ tests between Saint-Eustache and Sainte-Dorothée

:date: From May 4 to May 12, 2024, 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Nature of the tests

Our teams are preparing the track to welcome REM cars for a second testing sequence. Starting May 4th, when all conditions are met, it will be possible to see the REM operating at low speed between the Saint-Eustache maintenance center and the Sainte-Dorothée station, except for one day when higher speeds will be reached.

This exercise will make it to validate the components of the cars and test both manual and automatic driving modes. These are necessary steps to prepare the network for the beginning of tests, scheduled for spring 2024.

A team will also be on the tracks between 6 PM and 2 AM to test, among other things, the emergency telephone systems. It will be possible to hear backup alarms from the vehicle on the tracks, as it is impossible to make a U-turn. The vehicle’s reverse mouvement will be minimized by the team in place.

Please note that for safety reasons, it is strictly forbidden for any unauthorized person to enter the tracks under penalty of prosecution.

Tests at 100 km/h for one day only
For one day only, from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m., REM cars will travel at a maximum speed of 100 km/h to validate some of their components and to obtain a preliminary estimation of the sound effects of their passage using sound meters installed nearby. These high-speed runs will take place in the Laval-sur-le-Lac area. An operator will be always abord the car.

Regarding the control of sound impacts
The arrival of the REM cars may raise questions about the noise caused. In this regard:

  1. An analysis is underway to confirm that the noise reduction measures already installed on the network respect the sound limits.
  2. The acoustic grinding of the tracks, which serves to reduce rolling noise, will be completed before the start of the tests scheduled for spring 2024.


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Basically more testing happening between 2024-05-04 & 2024-05-12 between Saint-eustache & Sainte-dorothée.

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Ça serait vraiment tentant de pouvoir participer à ces tests jusqu’à ce qu’on se souvienne de l’accident mortel d’un test d’une rame TGV dans l’est de la France (Accident ferroviaire d’Eckwersheim)…

Bref, des membres de familles de cheminots est à bord de la rame expérimentale et ont perdu la vie alors qu’ils n’avaient pas à être là. Cela fait polémique.


Also we will be going at 100km/h nice