Ouvrages d'art - Antenne Aéroport - Discussion

What i wanted to post while biking,

They enhanced the speed on the catenary on the A2 for idk why.

This section is not getting powered up till late 2026 at minimum so idk if it’s because the team literally has nothing else to do…

Not visible in the photos but they are still working on the tracks them self (i guess to be able to drive the catenary équipe)

I still wish for them to open the a2 without yul (even if it’s never happening) (would at least help with the central core)


When you have the catenary supplier and installers already on the ground, it is more efficient and less costly to do it rather than wait till 2026…


Photos des travaux partagées sur le site de NouvLR:

Hiver 2024

Jonction Aéroport et Antenne Anse à l’Orme


Intrusion dans le tunnel de l’aéroport

Update for today,
They finish installing the “wing” to the catenary poles


Update for today

They have the pulleys thing on them now


J’aime beaucoup cette forme de pilier comparé à ceux en forme de “T”/marteau utilisé sur la section sud… A quoi est dû cette différence de design à la base?

Si je ne me trompe pas, la section Ouest est à 100 % sur poutre de lancement (sauf le tunnel aéroport et la station de Sainte-Anne) comparé à la section rive-Sud qui utilise quelque chose d’autre. Donc je présume que cela est la raison.

Edit: Spelling


That is correct. One of the important details to note is the location of the ground isolation bearings. In the case of the norther segment of the REM, there’s a pair of them on the head of the pillar. In the case of the southern segment, they are located under the beam that support the deck. There’s 3 pairs of beams with the outer 2 being outside of the footprint of the pillar. Hence, the head of the pillars of the southern segment have to be wider.

The reason for this lies in the way that the forces are transmitted through the structure. For the southern segment, the head of the pillars act as transfer beams. The deck transfers forces to the beams. The pillar head take the forces from the outer 2 beams and transfer them toward the pillar in the center. The viaduct for the northern segment is a fully integrated system. The forces are transmitted within the precast segments.

There are advantages to both systems. The southern segment is more easily repaired as you can take out the damaged elements and replace them. For the northern segment, being a fully integrated system, its impossible to just replace damaged elements. You need to either repair them as best you can, or take out the entire section between 2 pillars and replace it. The northern segment of the REM is more aesthetically appealing and quicker to assemble.

The Northern segment is actually an interesting engineering contradiction. Nowadays, prefabrication is increasingly being used to increase quality and lower assembly time on site. However, it is also typical to try to build structures in a way that makes them easy to repair. There is tension between those 2 objectives in the way that the northern segment was built.


For how FAST they built the entire A3 branch, I’m not going to complain about asterics knowing fully well that cdpq will be in a war with graffiti people

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Concernant la forme des piliers, effectivement ils sont plus esthétique sur l’antenne Anse-à-l’orme mais uniquement pour le modèle standard avec charge parfaitement répartie. Dès qu’un franchissement est requis et donc que la travée est plus longue, ou la charge inégalement répartie, ils ont faits des piliers très massifs.

Exemple ici où le viaduc du REM franchit l’A40


The choice of construction method depends on a lot of factors

Advantages of launching gantry method (northern segment):

  • Quicker per span to construct
  • Higher quality since pre-cast in factory
  • Can include in pre-cast other elements for minimal extra cost (no 2nd pour of concrete needed)
  • Less expensive overall (depending on the length of the segment to construct)
  • Looks nicer


  • Longer mobilisation time (procure, ship to site & assemble the gantry)
  • Can only build one span at a time (REM used 2 to halve the construction time)
  • Difficult to move to new sites (better if the entire segment uses the same method)

The main disadvantage of the launching gantry was mitigated since it was known from the start that the in-service date of the northern segment would be years after the southern segment


On aurait pu faire un clin d’œil aux premières nations (avec leur accord) et avoir des piliers en forme de totem.

Cela n’aurait pas été possible partout je le sais maintenant.

Malgré toutes les critiques qu’à pu rencontrer le projet de métro automatique à Hawaï, je trouve qu’ils ont réussi l’aspect esthétique de leurs piliers.


Edit : Même chose pour la ligne B du métro de Rennes dans un style complètement différent :


Smaller update, nothing much happening since last update


Very good update for today, cable getting installed

Sorry for the potato quality, the window holes where bad


Not your fault, blame the STM for their faulty design.


Lol i get only 2 options on the 225.

The %$#& is suspension or 0 visibility windows.

Cannot wait till i can get off at Marie-Curie

Update for tonight, both sides are installed, will take a photo tomorrow
(Hopefully on a bus that has 0 suspension instead of horrid windows)

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Those are the stringer pulleys for the catenary cables; then the drops need to be installed before the copper alloy overhead wires are installed. Still a ways to go.

ETA: actually, zooming in I see two cables along each set of pulleys, so they’ve pulled both the catenary and power cables.

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