Ouvrages d'art - Antenne Aéroport - Discussion

Elle sera probablement une des moins achalandées honnêtement.

6 « J'aime »

Îles Bigras avec ces 1000 résidents? Non?

I was looking around at old available info about the REM a few days ago and I came across that. And remember that’s before the pandemic that those estimations were done.

I’ll try to find the file again.


1 « J'aime »

Here it is:

And page 108 you can find the estimation for the BAPE, 5400 per day on the airport branch in 2031


2 « J'aime »

YUL seems to be way too under-rated. i remember seeing somewhere that 747 is 2500 pass/day, and recently they have recorded 30% increase.

4 « J'aime »

Je pense que ça a plus de chances d’être la séquence suivante

Temps (en minutes) Branche
00:00 A4
02:30 A2
05:00 A4
07:30 A3
10:00 A4
12:30 A2
15:00 A4
17:30 A3
20:00 A4
7 « J'aime »

Only time will tell

1 « J'aime »

En 2023, la 747 a transporté en moyenne 5 671 passagers par jour.

3 « J'aime »

What i do wonder with yul is the 204, 209 and that night bus. Are they considered part of the non compete clause that would block bus access to the airport.

Add the 460 as well… Why does it go to anjou…

204 and 209 are not impacted by the non-compete clauses. 356 maybe is, but only when the REM operates.

And the 460?

460 is not impacted.

Ignore the heart in Côte-saint-luc

here are the two non-compete clauses for the airport (and downtown has boundaries that are mapped out in the contract)

1 « J'aime »

Remind me, would the 747 be allowed to operate at closure of the rem to opening? And include all the updates to the system delaying the opening of the rem on Saturdays


1 « J'aime »

Nice I’m going to have to read those docs once i find them

lol merci Thomas. I’ve posted these in the forum numerous times but they’re still somewhat arcane to the general masses.

1 « J'aime »

Also, nothing prevents existing lines and services from being improved…

2 « J'aime »

If the projected increase in ridership is just 2-300 per stations by 2041, then I think we failed in terms of urban/residential development.

1 « J'aime »