Griffintown - Discussion générale sur les différents projets du quartier

Is there a database for public furniture and light fixtures? The only thing I can find is from 2017 and for benches/tables in parks only:

I’m curious the exact models of these lamps, from what I understand the angled ones on rue du Shannon have more light directed at pedestrians and are more “human scale” than the other ones, although they’re quite similar.

With the REM, they installed lamps like on rue Ann just for the winter (around Panama station), until they replaced them with ones that integrate better into the area the next year.

Ann Street should look like the Northern parrt of Du Shannon Street when it will be reconstructed
The lamps are at their final position.

Red = rue habitée (or shared street), so priority to pedestrians.

Peel & Ottawa have the angled ones but with 2 headlights, one over the street, and one lower over the sidewalk

As seen on @tcardinalsirois’ photo

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I’m guessing the don’t do this on rue Shannon because for Peel, it clearly separates vehicles and pedestrians, but rue Shannon is a living street so the single light is for “everyone”

Also it appears the lamps are slighter lower on more residential/quieter streets

I think it also because the lamp over the sidewalk would be too close to people’s windows

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There are similar lamps on Wellington, the section that was redone by NouvLR


C’est effectivement un modèle qui s’applique bien aux grandes voies de circulation, car le pari de design fait très “lampadaire d’autoroute des années 60”. Moins dans une rue résidentielle, où l’on devrait selon moi maintenir une harmonie de lampadaires dans un secteur donné. D’ailleurs les lampadaires de forme angulaire de la rue du Shannon sont esthétiquement plaisants, et c’est dommage qu’on n’ai pas repris leur pari sur la rue Ann.


Ça a tenu 10 jours…un record!


I hope there’s a point where temporary bollards cost more than heavy duty ones that break cars first, as I understand these weak ones are easy to put in, but SO many break all the time, permanent strong REAL bollards stop this from happening, and when drivers learn they’re real, they’d be more careful around them


Sur Wellington, coin Ann, c’est un ampadaire beige qui a été installé, probablement pour matcher les autres