Gare Centrale de Montréal

Rendu là tout ce qu’on peut espérer est une collaboration exemplaire entre Cominar, VIA Rail, VIA TGF et le consortium retenu, la STM, l’ARTM, exo, la Ville, CDPQ infra, la CBP et Amtrak, le Gouvernement du Québec… est-ce que j’en ai oublié :joy:

10 « J'aime »

T’as oublié la gang du Forum Agoramtl! :wink:

9 « J'aime »

Easy… Consider it done! :grin:

The sign closer to the main hall area has it’s bulb out yet again, just over a year later…

3 « J'aime »

Still did not give a single second of brain time to actually update the signage so that your sticker does not need to be a sticker

Is it park Canada whos blocking a old sign to be updated or they really just don’t care

Also still amt logos instead of exo sigh

1 « J'aime »

Wait a sec, they removed your sticker instead of keeping it???

I never added the stickers on these signs, these were done by Cominar. Cominar is in charge of signage in the station, and because they want to make it like a mall as much as possible, they make it complicated

1 « J'aime »

I absolutely hate it. I would rather not have a light. The way that the light gives off a hallow just gives that sign a very dated feeling.

2 « J'aime »