They technically do but it’s not implemented
Exo bus on the North Shore for this test. Will literally have the feature enabled on them unlike the STL who had for their test then required to have a separate system installed
So people will pay for a whole trip to Montreal only with a debit card when they take a bus at Ste-Thérèse? Will they get cardboard tickets for the subway ?
No it’s a bus oot ticket that will probably be charged virtually. No transfers allowed
That might be why Montreal never implemented debit. It would make no sense to have it only for buses without the subway. The new system can’t be connected to the old cardboard generators.
@phildemontreal , I’ll say it again, please look into what you’re saying. They’re replacing the entire system, it’s been talked about endlessly here I don’t want to have to repeat it. Please scroll up and read through this before saying false information
They will change many things including OPUS on phones for mobile payment but I haven’t heard the STM saying debit/credit is coming on buses.
Again no, the plan is again that every device implemented will allow transfers using the cc
The whole concerto program will require up replacing every single train station fair system to implement the newer ones. Concerto will have a system where you will only be charged for what you used uring the month using calculations based off what you actually used. Again, all you need to do is to read the concerto project and you’ll have all your answers
This is the artm, not the STM choice. Artm is replacing opus with an account.
Every single Metro station every single run station. Their Fair Gates already have the hardware to read credit cards
Cool. Any new update on this ?? D’ici la fin de 2024, le paiement par carte bancaire fera son apparition dans le métro et dans le REM.
No the artm mandated Laval to do an original test. What lava is doing is Point part 0 of Concerto
@phildemontreal Please read the header of this chat and scroll through the messages, everything you’re asking and saying is answered already
That is old news and yes there was an update. You just need to read the info already on this chat
Chances are credit card payment will only be enabled on local routes during the testing period and transfers will only be allowed within those local routes.
I’m really curious what transfer rules will be once open payment is allowed region wide. I hope it’ll be less restrictive than cash fares. (In Laval, cash fares only allow transfers with STL busses. Exo busses won’t accept them. In Montreal you end up with a regular All Modes A fare)
La STM vient juste de remplacer les barrières de perception du métro avec un nouveau modèle qui peut lire les cartes débit/crédit. Là aussi, la fonctionnalité est désactivée en attendant que l’ARTM soit prête à la lancer pour toute la région. Les barrières du REM sont aussi équipées de lecteur compatibles avec les paiements ouverts. À ma connaissance, les seuls modes qui n’ont pas encore mis leur équipement à jour sont:
- les navettes fluviales,
- les trains exo,
- les taxis collectifs et
- les transports adaptés
Je suis certain que les valideurs des gares de trains seront adaptés éventuellement. Je n’ai juste pas encore vu de changement de leur côté à date.
J’ai l’impression que tout les modes rail vont arriver en même temps question de cohérence.
Pour spécifier, ce ne sont que les couvercles des portillons qui sont changés et non les portillons au complet. J’ai été surprise de l’apprendre lorsque j’ai vu des employé·es mettre à jour les portillons.
Ca explique pourquoi même les portes papillons sont aussi similaires à “l’ancienne” génération. J’aurais du m’en douter
Navette fluviale: we need to be able to have a dedicated opus card for only the river shuttles tickets… just what the artm explained to me is that the equipment given to them is the inspection device that can’t validate tickets just confirm its valid… Would be nice if we could instead install a train tap point at the docks…
les trains exo: IIRC we already had a photo or 2 lying somewhere in this forum but yea those devices desperately needs replacement… They are so old (but they are the ones that require being left outside… In the snow
Les taxis collectifs: when i take a STM taxi collectif if you only plan on doing a taxi run and no transfers you are technically supposed to buy magnetic tickets and not Occasional cards… However the drivers has NEVER asked me to confirm anything… Exo taxi collectif is a mixed bag… One require taking ownership of the opus card or refuse service… Another just does not give any care what so ever… So it’s a mixed bag…
TA: did you know that magnetic AB tickets exist only for TA?
Did you also know that TA fare zones allow BCD already?
Did you know that TA only tickets does not allow Ocasional cards?
TA opus cards only allow monthly passes (and weekly Montreal+4 month Montreal) weekend passes, evening passes are not allowed for ta users)
TA users who wish to use a weekend pass for example are forced to use only regular transit
Those who might benifit the most from concerto might actually be TA users
There was an ARTM survey on OPUS Recharge, I recommend I those want the recharge in it’s own app, or be implemented in Transit, Google Maps, any other application, request they make it an API. It’s already formatted to support it, they just have to allow it