Aéroport Montréal-Trudeau (YUL) - Discussion générale

First I’ve heard of it, but I’ve never heard of “Air Plus News” before. That said, they can toss around any cities they want, six years is a long time, and they have mentioned Montreal numerous times over the past decade, and yet here we are.

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I’ve read another article that mentioned LOT and Montreal and those cities. There’s been some speculation about a Montréal route and it makes sense given LOT’s Star Alliance connection and our lack of Eastern European routes. Fingers crossed.

I’ve followed Air Plus News on X for a long time and they’re pretty reliable

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Air Canada launching 3x weekly flight from Montréal (YUL) to Stockholm (ARN) starting June 14th with B788 aircraft.

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This is amazing news wow :star_struck:

Probablement précipité par la sortie de SAS de Star Alliance, j’imagine.

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LOT has been teasing a YUL start for years now and like Same Guy said it’s 2024 and here we are. Still nothing.

At this point my guess is Air Canada launches WAW when the 321s arrive.

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It’s interesting that 3/2 scheduling split between Montreal and Toronto.

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SAS opèrait 3-4 vols par semaine entre Toronto et Stockholm depuis l’été dernier avec un A321LR, alors qu’AC opèrera 2 vols avec un 787. Je présume qu’Air Canada cherche à conserver une capacité similaire sans plus, parce que si SAS reste, il risque d’y avoir saturation.

Il doit y avoir beaucoup de passagers sur ces vols qui ne font que transiter par Toronto/Montréal puisqu’il n’y a qu’une poignée de villes reliées à ARN/CPH en Amérique du Nord. Ça semble logique qu’il y ait plus de vols dans ce cas à Montréal, on dirait que c’est dans la stratégie d’AC depuis quelques temps de bouger un peu du traffic de transit vers Montréal, qui ne déborde pas autant que Pearson.

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Dans les dernières années effectivement on a vu un certain déplacement des vols avec beaucoup de transit vers Montréal, c’est comme ça qu’on a eu Sao Paulo ou Le Caire par exemple. Dans le temps on m’avait expliqué que c’est parce que ces marchés ont une forte demande locale à Toronto, et que de déplacer les passagers en transit vers Montréal libère de l’espace sur les vols vers Toronto. En règle générale ça se traduit par un vol quotidien Toronto-X avec un vol Montréal-X les journées les plus achalandées.

Je ne suis pas certain que SAS va conserver sa liaison ARN-YYZ, étant donné que déjà ils y allaient avec un petit avion de façon non quotidienne (et bénéficiait probablement du réseau d’Air Canada du côté nord-américain).

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The ARTM is replacing the machines next year with ones that support tap. I hope they also support AMEX too! The ARTM is in charge of this kind of thing, not the REM, or STM.

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Un message a été fusionné à un sujet existant : Aviation

Toujours rien du côté d’Ethiopian et Icelandair? Icelandair qui annonce ce jeudi…Halifax et Pittsburg. :grinning:

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Its crazy that fifteen years ago Air Canada only had a handful of transatlantic flights out of YUL and now we have so many!

Summer 2008 peak summer schedule (YUL)

YUL-CDG AC 870 77W
YUL-CDG AC 884 763
YUL-LHR AC 864 333
YUL-FRA AC 874 77W

It’s would be fun that see more airlines here thought like:

-The return of Air China (politics…)
-The return of Icelandair
-Brussel Airlines
-Aer Lingus
-United Mainline

Apparently Air Transat will purchase some A330neo

And add more gates at the airport for the love of god!!!

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I like to read reviews of people flying through YUL :wink:

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I like how he kept referring to the 6 hour flight as “short”… admittedly it isn’t a 12 hour flight to Asia but for me anything 6 hours or longer is a long flight even if there’s much longer flights.

BA has returned to 777-200’s on this flight now. The last time I flew them it was on their 772. A lot has changed since I presume.

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This is why I used to fly BA all the time to go to Europe because of the short flight and of course the British flair that is so welcoming in a flight :wink:

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I used it once when going to London, it wasn’t a very pleasant experience. Poor air circulation and everyone pushed in with their carry on luggage made for a claustrophobic experience.

I had that experience on à AF B777-300 was so packed I felt same

American Airliners AA717 (Munich-Charlotte) flew into YUL this afternoon. Anyone know anything about this diversion?? It was a 777-200.

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747 bus signage has been updated with the newer logo, as well as new signs outside that point to the waiting area (which I couldn’t get a photo of).

Here’s the old sign:

Here’s the new one:

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