Les travaux de construction du stationnement P4, baptisé Econo Premium, destiné à accueillir les locateurs automobiles et à offrir 3 000 espaces de stationnement couverts
Promoteur: Aéroport de Montréal
Début et fin de la construction: 2018 / 2023
Dates importantes:
Autres informations:
2 250 espaces de stationnement de proximité et sera relié à l’aéroport par un service de navette
Selon le rapport 2019 d’Aéroports de Montréal :
• Les travaux de construction du stationnement P4, baptisé Econo Premium, destiné à accueillir les locateurs automobiles et à offrir 3 000 espaces de stationnement couverts, se sont poursuivis. La structure, conçue pour
accommoder un changement de vocation, a été complétée.
Afin d’assurer un service de navette en accord avec les initiatives en matière de développement durable, le stationnement YUL Econo Premium sera notamment desservi par quatre nouveaux autobus électriques fabriqués au Québec.
It’s 90% complete. As I pointed out in April, it was originally to open in December 2020, before that thing happened.
ADM is back to full staffing at YUL, and crews (and some subcontractors) have recently begun catching up on “non-essential” jobs, some of which are long-neglected items that often get pushed to the back burners during periods of heavy traffic and growth (when the crews’ full attention is needed for essential jobs to keep the airport running). I expect the big non-essential projects such as P4 to start up again in the first half of 2022; P4 wasn’t essential to the safe operation of the airport during the depths of the slowdown, but will need to be ready for when the main landside redevelopment project starts up again and restricts the space in P1 and P2 (the old multilevel parking).
Interestingly, there was (minor) activity inside the P4 site this morning: an ADM pickup truck was driving up and down both spiral ramps, perhaps spreading salt. Maybe they’re keeping it clear for emergency services access (in case of electrical problems or something)? Or maybe they have to keep it clear for work to restart before the end of winter? Either way, that was the first sign of life since the alarms went off last summer (2020).
Non, pas encore. Mais ça s’en vient. Une fois que la démolition plus étendue des P1/2/3 commencera et que le trafic reviendra aux niveaux d’avant la pandémie, les derniers 10% de travaux restants pour ouvrir le P4 seront achevés relativement rapidement.
BACK IN CONSTRUCTION since the end of May 2023!!! I spoke with some workers on the site the reason, why they stopped the work, was because of covid, not the budget. They told me they should be done at the real end of 2023.
The “curtain” wall is finally going up over the entrance and spiral ramps, after the framing was completed before the two week break. Also, a lot of progress this week on grading the gravel around the exterior as well as under the entry at the pay-gates.
I mean, the station is big, it’s a big project on its own, but the integration with the airport terminal airside project is huge. It’s not just a glass box on stilts.
From a distance, the cladding looks a lot like white chain-link fence, but in fact, it’s actually a diamond cut louver, with the openings oriented towards the ground, so most rain and snow should stay out.
I didn’t really have time to grab more shots, but the roadworks in and around the base of the structure are coming along. Over the weekend a small paving crew has been asphalting the “shuttle bus road” around the perimeter. I expect this road as well as the entrance/exit will be surfaced over the next couple of weeks, perhaps by Remembrance Day.