Station McGill

Les centres commerciaux ont habituellement des tuiles de surplus pour régler ce genre de problème­. CDPQ va probablement conserver des tuiles de mur dans un entrepot pour la même raison.

1 « J'aime »

There will be an entrance to the REM on both the north and south sides of the tunnel between the two shopping centers.
You will be able to go from the STM McGill station (using the tunnel built under the bike path) to the passageway between the two shopping centers without passing your OPUS card at the REM McGill station.

1 « J'aime »

I would be very surprised if the REM didn’t make users tap in at all. They’d have no way of knowing how much to be compensated for ridership, especially at what will no doubt be a huge transfer point towards the system from the metro.

2 « J'aime »

I’m referring to the entrance from the passageway between malls, there’s a hallway connecting to (A1) accessible entrance and northern entrance connecting to the metro, but between the malls through the south passage, the fare gates are only on the south side of the hallway.

In both the renders and floor plan we can see the fare gates

3 « J'aime »

In the image you posted you can clearly see 2 sets of fare gates:

  • On the left side in axe 1’ (hall nord S2-101)
  • On the right side in axe 17’ (hall sud S1-107)

Like I said, you can walk from the shopping centre passageway to the “hall nord” via the corridor (S1-101) and then to the new tunnel (S2-102) to STM McGill without tapping your OPUS card.
Note that there is also another fare gate to access the elevator ASC-02 from the corridor S1-101.

1 « J'aime »

Yes I know, here’s what is current accessible to the public.

I was referring to the north side of the hallway with the commercial space (S1-102) being opened earlier, like this, without the entrance:

1 « J'aime »

14 février 2025

13 « J'aime »

Quand vont-ils retirer les équipements? Surtout, pourquoi on a pas cette information d’affiché sur le site?!?

La ville ne semble pas s’en soucier.

2 « J'aime »

Le plancher est terminé le tunnel est réouvert pleine grandeur

35 « J'aime »

Hope they will ‘‘urbanize’’ this… it looks like Place Bourassa

4 « J'aime »

The tunnel has reopened to its previous size before the REM, but it will actually be opened even more than before! I’ll be updating this floor plan as more reopens, here’s how it is now since they’ve expanded it:


17 « J'aime »

Theyre opening up the mezzanine space more, but at the moment everyone is being directed through the northmost set of doors

21 « J'aime »

I hope at some point tactile paving could become more common so it doesn’t just end at the REM property, but it’s a great start

11 « J'aime »

L’intersection McGill college et Maisonneuve est totalement ouverte aux piétons. Il reste un petit débarras de nouvel air avec une génératrice. La piste cyclable est toujours entravée sur Maisonneuve.

9 « J'aime »

Here are some photos of the station, behind the doors in the tunnel between the Eaton Centre and Place Montreal Trust

36 « J'aime »

Slightly updated floor plan:

7 « J'aime »

Interesting payment terminals. They make me think of those in Ottawa.

1 « J'aime »

Did they open up the third set of doors?

One set of doors wasn’t open on one side, but the entire hallway is open now!

2 « J'aime »

Wow je pense que je vais pleurer :sob:. Enfin!

2 « J'aime »