Station Kirkland

I was being sarcastic about the “they don’t want us seeing”, I doubt that they are trying to hide anything.
However, I did notice that the camera took a few photos while obstructed by a bag or box before being disabled and they later removed those useless pictures.

My hypothesis is that they took down the pole the camera was attached to.
As we can see in the last few pictures, they started work around the pole the camera was mounted to, and maybe they needed to take it down so they just disabled the camera.

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Photos des travaux partagées sur le site de NouvLR:

Station Kirkland - Hiver 2024

Cette photo date bien puisque la station est déjà couverte de lattes, mais on a quand même un angle différent de d’habitude.



So huge.

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When they say that this station is a spotlight on Highway 40, they aren’t kidding


As a bonus, it seems like the Devisubox camera is back to working! I emailed last week about several cameras that stopped but I didn’t hear back yet, not sure if that’s what helped it.


Awesome tenacity @moretrains


I went to the West Island to visit my grandparents yesterday, and took the opportunity to check out the Kirkland REM station.
It’s absolutely massive.

One thing that struck me is the strong car-dependency of this area. Although there are some good bike paths, the urbanism is 99% car-oriented. With some political will, this station will have the potential to radically transform the immediate area.


If the Broccolini/Centre RioCan redevelopment ever goes ahead at anywhere close to the original proposals, this will become one of the busier suburban stations.


Nouvlr photos

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Immense, avec absolument RIEN autour…


Du gros potentiel, ces stationnements :wink:


As alluded to above, RioCan and Broccolini are still working on a complete redevelopment of the Centre RioCan Kirkland shopping centre into a densified multipurpose TOD.


Also we NEED infrastructure before redevelopment can occur.

Luds was nothing before the metro, now it’s a masif downtown.

Do we know why it is taking so much time ? is it problem with city regarding the density/zoning or they are just waiting for the real state market/ Economical situation to go back up ?

Il faut un reconfiguration des voies de service. Présentement ils sont quasiment des voies autoroutiers, j’aimerais les voir changer en route bidirectionnelle avec des trottoirs et pistes cyclables.


I don’t know what those buildings are with all the parking, but those need to be torn down ASAP and replaced with housing!

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One unfortunate reality I’ve seen around Panama is that even with a functional REM for nearly a year, there’s not a lot of movement on any of the massive, dense buildings that were announced for the area.

Only this week did we hear a potential 2025 start of work, but it was a loose announcement.

And that’s on the South Shore where land can be cheaper. I hope something different for the West Island stations, and I will wait hopefully to see different!