While i get the frustration, i wont lie when I say it doesnt look like the dropoff area adds more than about 10-15 seconds of extra walking to get to the bus area, so its placement doesnt honestly seem like much of a real issue to me personally.
What seems way more egregious as the others mentioned is the lack of bus shelters… those better be up asap
Le terrain autour de la station ne nous appartient pas, malheureusement.
Toutefois, quand le projet Cité de l’île sera construit, il comportera un stationnement vélo intérieur (du genre à la hollandaise, mais à plus petite échelle).
En attendant on dépend du bon vouloir de la CDPQ-infra. Ce n’est pas qu’on ne leur a pas dit que ça ne serait pas suffisant, pourtant!!!
As for the other side, not much has changed. Fencing is still up and the bus shelter hasn’t been installed yet (I didn’t take a picture of the space where it will be located).
I have a feeling the fence will be moved and this path will open on the 22nd of June. The only reason why I think that is because the multi-use path over the bridge is supposed to be closed on June 18th until then
They’ve installed the traffic lights and painted the road.
Pont Champlain street is now two way, with an elevated intersection near the station
The bus shelters also have heating
Mark we must’ve missed each other by a few minutes! I was gonna go take similar pics but I saw a few construction workers around and decided to not bother.
They’ve done a great job with the integration of the station IMO.
They’ve repainted the crosswalk at the traffic light to be white, as yellow is used for yielding without a light. I wonder if the traffic light was a last minute change, I kind of wish there wasn’t a traffic light, and pedestrians were just always given priority, this street is really small and there’s not going to be buses so pedestrians crossing wouldn’t slow anyone except cars down.
Work is pretty much done around the station, including the landscaping. Cones and other equipment were moved to a small corner near R-L. Fencing will likely stay up until the dry run is done.