Yeah those are more to show a no parking zone. In Verdun curbs are painted yellow or pavers instead of asphalt. It would be nice if at least the markings crossing would be consistent, on some streets it’s a thin dashed line for bike crossing, other times it’s boxes crossing (which is more standard), then sometimes it’s green with bike stencils…
Isn’t the entire bike path a no parking zone?
Yes but on the west/north side there is parking on most blocks. The bike lane is against the sidewalk and parking on the street. The pavers are this:
En tout cas de nombreux livreurs ne semblent pas au courant…
I’m not sure what this work is, as in the renders it doesn’t show any changes here. On the calendar is shows no work here in September, could it be more permanent infrastructures going in ahead of schedule?
Sur De Verdun, entre Willibrord et la 1ere avenue, ce sont des travaux d’infrastructures souterraines, en lien avec la réfection complète des infrastructures de la 1ere avenue, qui sera faite au cours des prochaines semaines entre De Verdun et Bannantyne.
Les aménagements permanents en surface sur De Verdun se feront l’an prochain.
I noticed little bumps on some of the bus stops, it looks really good! I think it would be more effective if it had more rows, but I hope more bus stops in general receive this to indicate buses stop there:
In NYC they have this with their SBS buses, as well as making the curb higher up to not require the buses to lower as much. It allows faster dwell times and more conviennent.
It would be nice to see this done here on at least frequent bus lines, using the city budget instead of public transit one as it’s already quite tight
Intéressant ces bidules, cependant sont-ils compatibles avec le déneigement l’hiver?
New traffic lights being installed at Willibrord and Verdun, they’re black and match the rest of the city’s traffic lights. It seems they’re replacing I believe the original traffic lights from when Verdun was it’s own city:
Effectivement, c’est le cas.
Les différents services se sont coordonnés pour faire des travaux qui, généralement, génèrent des chantiers séparés : sécurisation des abords des écoles, piste cyclable, éclairage, feux de circulation, et même aqueduc et égoûts entre Willibrord et la 1ere avenue. Question de ne pas multiplier les chantiers, déjà assez nombreux.
It’s nice to see the new lights prioritize pedestrians and bikes crossing (completely separate from cars) as well as the new small section of protected bike path at Willibrord and Verdun:
The small protected path makes me hope it might expand someday… but one project at a time of course
I’m hoping this work isn’t completed yet, as currently only one post remains at this intersection:
Also, could a yield sign be installed for rue de Verdun, here (keeping the stop sign for Gordon), to allow more priority along rue de Verdun while still requiring slowing down if vehicles or pedestrians cross
Les poteaux étaient une demande du service de l’urbanisme de la ville-centre. Pour protéger les piétons et cyclistes . Mais en pratique, après quelques jours 75% se sont fait arracher. Les virages étaient particulièrement serrés. L’arrondissement est à la recherche d’une alternative.
I hope stronger ones could be installed, similar to real bollards! When they were originally installed, they greatly slowed turns and made the intersection safer. Also many were removed because trucks had to turn due to rue de Verdun being closed during that time. Now that the work is further along, less trucks use it and stronger real bollards could be installed.
Could I pass along this opinion to the city hall in some way?
This was inevitable. Cars parked (with hazards) in the bike lane, right where there isn’t concrete protection. There even is a drop off area around the corner that’s empty…
The signage hasn’t been changed yet, and still reads “no parking” instead of “no stopping”. There really should have been concrete protection throughout.
I believe it might be because of the trash pickup for the school is here, but it could be rethought of and moved to another safer location maybe.
Also for drainage, the concrete could be opened under to still lead to protection but let water go under it, instead of leading to a break of protection
C’est une entrée charretière pour la machinerie lourde et autres camions qui vont dans la cour d’école. Va falloir demander aux policiers d’intervenir