Réseau de trains exo - Discussion générale

Juste deux train, le 30 à 8h30 et le 31 à 21h40 qui on du passez tout droit j’imagine

An update. There is still no tunnel lighting at the Dorval train station today.

4 « J'aime »

In Vancouver, Translink announced yesterday that the West Coast Express will be cancelled should the CPKC lock out their employees. They are not announcing any replacement service (as of posting).


I suspect exo will announce their contingency plan after the lockout begins (like at 1:00 EDT on the day it begins). Previous disruptions caused by labour actions had better communications from the operator at least one to two weeks ahead of time.

I do expect that if they don’t provide the service to the same level, that exo reduces their fare prices or reimburses their customers. If they don’t, we end up paying for a service they don’t deliver!

Ca va être beau pour les usagers de Exo 11, déjà avec la saga du pont de l’ile aux tourtes, si en plus on enleve le seul moyen “fiable” de traverser avec le train…

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Toujours pas de lumière mais il y a des gestionnaires d’infrastructure sur place pour gérer l’infrastructure.

Exo a confirmé à La Presse que plusieurs de ses lignes de train de banlieue pourraient être affectées par la grève annoncée dimanche par la Conférence ferroviaire de Teamsters Canada, le syndicat représentant des milliers de travailleurs de la compagnie ferroviaire Canadien Pacifique Kansas City (CPKC). Cette grève pourrait paralyser dès jeudi à 00 h 01 une grande partie du réseau ferroviaire canadien. Un avis de lock-out a également été émis par le CPKC pour la même date.

The VH line is going to BECOME a disaster with the horror that’s called the Ile aux tourte bridge and everyone using highway 20 instead…

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Wow, maybe it’ll take gridlock on the 20 for the government to finally buy out some tracks on that subdivision

7 « J'aime »

Like, yes, :100:, exo or the ARTM should own these tracks … but also … exo- or ARTM-owned tracks will also be subject to work actions, just against exo or ARTM instead of CN or CPKC. (And rightly so.)

1 « J'aime »

Not to minimize this strike/lock out but historically there has always been a special federal law forcing return to work when the railways are impacted. It shouldn’t last too long.

2 « J'aime »

Until there are dedicated tracks from Montreal West to Dorion, there will not be any “RTM-owned” trackage on that line. Both Class I railways operate two tracks each on that segment (and in some places more than two), but there is still plenty of room on that ROW to build two more dedicated passenger tracks and passing loops where necessary.

6 « J'aime »

I have to wonder tho, would we have enough for both rtm and via-TGX?

1 « J'aime »

There’s enough room now, without the extra tracks.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

1 « J'aime »


Freight strike could halt three Exo commuter train lines as of Thursday

Alternate buses are being planned. But the transit authority says that service won’t be able to handle the full ridership of the Vaudreuil/Hudson, St-Jérôme and Candiac trains.

Author of the article:
Andy Riga

Published Aug 19, 2024 • Last updated 16 hours ago • 2 minute read

An Exo commuter train against a blue sky.

The CPKC rail network is used by three Exo train lines — Vaudreuil/Hudson, St-Jérôme and Candiac. Photo by John Mahoney /Montreal Gazette files

Montreal’s commuter train authority is preparing alternate bus services for three train lines that could be affected by a looming strike at Canadian Pacific Kansas City railway.

The union representing thousands of workers at CPKC has given a strike notice and are set to walk out on Thursday at 12:01 a.m.

The CPKC rail network is used by three Exo train lines — Vaudreuil/Hudson, St-Jérôme and Candiac.

“If a strike or a lockout is declared and the CPKC rail traffic controllers are a part of it, none of (those) three lines will be in operation,” said Exo spokesperson Eric Edström.

Details about the alternate bus routes are to be made public in the coming days.

“We are confident that we will be able to deploy several bus shuttles as early as Monday, Aug. 26,” Edström said.

However, “the bus shuttles … will not be able to replace the entire service of the three affected train lines, especially during the back-to-school period.”

He said Exo’s “efforts will be focused on providing service during rush hour.”

The authority is urging train users to explore alternative routes using Exo’s regular bus service or the services of the Société de transport de Montréal and Société de transport de Laval.

Commuters can consult Exo’s online trip planner at exo.quebec/en/trip-planner. They should uncheck the train option when using the planner.

A strike is also on the horizon for Canadian National, with the company warning that it may lock out workers as of Thursday.

But Edström said that labour dispute is not expected to affect two Exo lines that use CN tracks — Mont-St-Hilaire and Mascouche.

CN authorities have told Exo that commuter trains running on the CN network would not be affected by a strike, he said.

That’s because CN rail traffic controllers are not among the trades affected by the dispute, Edström said.

Commuters took more than 6.1 million trips on Exo trains in 2023. Exo’s two busiest lines — Vaudreuil/Hudson and St-Jérôme — accounted for 70 per cent of rides.

CPKC also owns rail infrastructure used by Via Rail intercity trains.

In a statement to The Gazette, the national passenger rail service said a CPKC strike would compel it to suspend service between Sudbury and White River in Ontario.

Via said it’s currently working with CPKC to maintain access to a one-kilometre section of CPKC tracks in Smiths Falls used by Via’s Ottawa-Toronto train.

No other Via services would be affected by a CPKC strike, Via said.

Via said a work stoppage at CN would not affect its operations.

Une chance qu’on a laissé dépérir le service de train de banlieue et ne l’utilisons pas à son plein potentiel. Imaginez si exo était un véritable réseau structurant, on serait vraiment mal pris avec ce conflit de travail.

7 « J'aime »

Si exo avait ses propres voies avec son propre contrôle ferroviaire, elle ne serait pas affectée par ce conflit de travail.

7 « J'aime »

Rendu là autant bâtir autre chose.

A vous écouté, la France devrais abandonné son réseau de train,

C’est une grève, ça arrive!

1 « J'aime »

A la différence c’est qu’en France, lorsqu’il y a une grève, c’est souvent quelques lignes de métro, RER, tramway ou trains de banlieues. Bien que ce soit problématique les usagers ont plusieurs options, notamment plein d’autres lignes métro, RER, tramway et trains de banlieues en fonction. Et ici je ne parle pas de bus.

Donc l’impact d’une grève est différent.

Je ne sais pas comment les choses ont évoluées mais il y a 20 ans c’était l’enfer.

Cela m’est arrivé d’arriver à la gare et de ne pas avoir de train pour rentrer chez moi (grève surprise/sans préavis). Et payer le taxi pour faire + 80 Km n’était pas vraiment une option.