REM Rive Sud Taschereau / Roland-Therrien (2024)

Gab you are QUICK. Very interesting. Nothing we don’t know already, but I guess the project manager at the CDPQi that is in charge of Taschereau just got back from their vacation…

2 « J'aime »

Wasn’t there supposed to be a meeting with Fournier this month?

1 « J'aime »

Technically she said “at the beginning of the new year” which could be all of Q1 by the glacial municipal rates… It’s just nice that now Fournier has mentioned meeting with the CDPQi, and now the CDPQi has confirmed a lineup of over a hundred (?!) meetings this quarter with municipal leaders and whatnot.

Now the spiciest determination, what will be stronger:

  1. Mayor Assaad’s vision for downtown brossard based around Panama which explicitly opposes a REM Taschereau and has trams running double-tracked along the centre of the boulevard (don’t know who they think will pay for this, seeing as the predecessor to REM Taschereau was LÉEO tramway that went nowhere)

  2. Mayor Fournier’s negotiations to have the REM Taschereau, but ground-level near “historic Longueuil” and aerial elsewhere.

2 « J'aime »

If the rem is built at ground level along the 132 in vieux Longueuil, I hope the stations built include pedestrian tunnels like Panama. If these tunnels are wide and well lit, and allow for staircase free access to cross the highway, it would be a huge win for access to the river in Longueuil. I honestly believe a setup like that is even better than converting the highway to a boulevard, as a boulevard would actually mean having to cross 6-8 lanes of traffic to get to the river, where as a tunnel is free flowing.

2 « J'aime »

You don’t need a 6-8 lane configuration around stations in the Vieux-Longeuil, especially considering that a metro at ground level is going to eat up a bunch of lanes anyway. The road diet is a given.

2 « J'aime »

Ehhhh, I wouldn’t be so sure. Bonaventure is keeping all its lane apparently. The northern section of the highway (boucherville-pont J-C) is not only busy but rather important for the region. The southern portion past Taschereau could easily be removed but it’s not so simple for the north. A road diet and urban boulevard would be super nice, but I doubt it would be possible in the current political climate. Maybe in 30 years.

2 « J'aime »

Il y a de l’espace de parts et d’autres de l’autoroute pour garder toutes les voies et créer de nouvelles voies pour le REM je pense:

1 « J'aime »

Les voies oui, mais des stations (au sol en plus) :thinking:

Je pense qu’ils vont plutôt opter pour supprimer quelques voies sur Bord-de-l’Eau et peut-être un en direction nord du 132. Mais c’est simplement mon avis. Espérons qu’ils vont annoncer la réalité bientôt.

5 « J'aime »

It would be an excellent opportunity to develop a pedestrian/bike connection to the waterfront.

3 « J'aime »

Especially that there’s already a bike path all along the waterfront.

1 « J'aime »

For pedestrian crossings, I would much prefer a covered viaduct like at du Quartier as it would have much more natural light and would make for great views as you are crossing. Building a tunnel would also be far more disruptive to the existing traffic flow on the highway.

A prefabricated tunnel could be installed quickly, no? Diverting the traffic for a few weeks doesn’t seem like much of an issue, altho I agree that skywalk would be nicr.

Tunnels that are prefabricated in a factory are generally of rather small size. For something large as was suggested by Sadie, you have to prefabricate them on site. That requires a massive amount of space near the location where you want to install that tunnel segment. Theses prefabricated tunnels also require more material than a normal bridge bridge as they need to be picked up by a PMT, implying that all of the weight of the walls ends up being suspended by the bridge deck. A normal viaduct just isn’t designed to handle those kinds of loads.

2 « J'aime »

Elle réitère le souhait des citoyens de ne pas y voir une structure aérienne du REM. «Ce sera mon devoir dans les deux prochaines années que le gouvernement soit au courant de la position de Brossard, que l’on fasse partie des discussions», martèle-t-elle.

«Selon moi, les chiffres ne démontrent pas qu’il y a un retour en investissement pour un si grand investissement, poursuit-elle. Peut-on y aller en phase? Tester le terrain avec quelque chose de plus léger, et après, voir si on est capable de créer la masse critique pour que ce soit autre chose.»

Ce n’est pas la première fois que la revitalisation du boulevard est abordée. Cette fois sera-t-elle la bonne?

«Tout dépend de volonté du gouvernement provincial [le boul. Taschereau étant sous sa juridiction], reconnait la mairesse. Mais je veux démontrer que nous, on est prêt à y mettre de l’argent.»

1 « J'aime »

The thumbnail photo was an old Microsoft Paint image I made of the Taschereau REM line. It was a basic mock-up I wanted to include on Wikipedia to give context to the route.

I’ve just completed an updated image that shows the network as it currently stands, as well as the confirmed and proposed route that this extension would take. It’s not perfect, but I think it does more than a block of text to explain the scope and scale of what the provincial government has announced that it would like to achieve with this project.

I know there’s a thread for VISION: TASCHEREAU REM. But this is technically the announced destinations, so I trust it will be fine here.

NOTE: The roundabout path to Chateauguay was due to respecting the borders of Kahnawake territory, which I anticipated would be the government’s route anyway to avoid jurisdictional conflict.

5 « J'aime »

I would add the Saint-Hubert airport. I think it was pretty clear this was an intended destination.

2 « J'aime »

That is firmly a hypothetical though, as there is no record of a press release or an elected official giving an interview about this extension going to YHU.

I even scoured the minutes of the latest aerospace sector meetup and there was no mention of it either, so while it would be a clear choice for those of us on this forum, it is not currently in the “public domain”.

3 « J'aime »

Hmm. You’re probably right. I think it was in an interview where Catherine Fournier was talking about the aeronautics sector near the airport (maybe during the announcement of the extension of the airport?) and she wished to have a transit connection there.

1 « J'aime »

unfortunately, though the connection is nearly there, the folks that need to start chatting have clearly not had a meeting in a long time

:tram: :point_right: :point_left: :airplane:

2 « J'aime »