Welcome to the Wasted Island.
- Griffintown–Bernard-Landry*
- d’oka
- les Érables
- Riverdale
- Gouin
- Alexander
- Chomedey (A13)
- Thimens
- Toupin
- O’Brien
- Barclay
- Van Horne
- des Pins
- Dr Penfield
- Bridge
- des Irlandais
- Fernand Seguin
- Marie-Victorin
- Milan
- Chevrier
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- Houde
- de Berne
- Saint-Charles
- Charles E Frost
- Sommerset
- Saint-Jean
- Delmar
- Douglas B Floreani
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Infill only, so excluded obvious extensions like Dorval.
J’ai l’impression que CDPQi n’a jamais eu vraiment l’intention de construire la station Griffintown.
Ils ont tellement tardé pour prendre une décision sur la construction et implantation de cette station que je commence a douter que ca se réalise.
J’espère vraiment me tromper.
Plus j’y pense et plus l’idée de départ de la station bassin Peel aurait peut etre plus répondu aux attente des utilisateurs et des residents. Mais c’est trop tard pour cela.
Dans l’ouest je l’aurai prolonger jusqu’au campus mcdonald et cegep john abott.
The original idea like you say was Bassin Peel station, where the REM would go under the canal, but that was changed in 2018 to follow the CN right of way. To coincide that, Griffintown station was to be made where it currently is planned.
I’m not really sure why people have so many doubts about it being made. It’s going to be made AFTER the other stations (excluding the airport) will be made, and that’s confirmed by the REM, as well as the manager of the construction of the station.
Ugh. Folks! It’s been said over and over again! They will NOT begin construction of this station until the line is up and RUNNING. That station was never planned to open with the rest of the line, and the entire REM network was built to be able to create infill stations anywhere one is needed with this being the first. Building this one will teach them a lot about how to do others in the future.
If construction hasn’t begun within a year of the South Shore wing’s opening, then we can start wondering if it will ever happen.
Exactement, dans les tracé original, la station du Sud-Ouest devait être sous le bassin Peel avec une entrée du côté de Griffintown et une autre du côté de Pointe-Saint-Charles.
C’était vraiment trop cher pour la CDPQInfra. Il aurait fallu exproprier Énergir dont ECCU qui chauffe et climatise les tours du centre-ville et l’ÉTS. (imaginez les coûts juste pour cela)
En plus, le dessous du viaduc de la rue Ottawa aurait été fermé, car il aurait fallu que les trains sortent quelque part pour rejoindre les voies menant à la Gare centrale.
Aussi, il aurait fallu négocier avec le Fédéral, car le bassin Peel leur appartient… Et une loi sur le REM au niveau provincial n’a sûrement pas tant de poids au niveau fédéral
I’m surprised Toupin isn’t talked more about, it’s a seemingly easy infill with relatively good value. The location is whatever, but build a station with an island platform and coupled as an interchange “north-south” BRT or tram… maybe if I listed it as its other name instead of Toupin it would have got more votes.
Did ETS gave up their project of having their name on a metro station? GBL hasn't been built yet...
That subject has already kind of been beaten to death, but that station name really does need to be canned. It is such a mouthful. Nobody is going to use the full name. Assuming that it is ever built, it will almost without doubt be called Griffintown by most of the locals.
I would actually say (not terribly forcefully) that Toupin in a station that should explicitely not be infilled, in order to maintain the speed of trains. There is a local walkshed, but most of that (save perhaps the section north along Toupin) would be well servered by frequent local buses to Bois-Franc.
Should be Griffintown. That’s it, that’s all. I don’t remember the last time someone said Square Victoria OACI…
Even Square Victoria is too long. SquareVic for the initiated.
“SquareVic”?! Are you guys talking about Squa?
Sv ?? how about .
Quite the opposite. If I say Square Victoria, my friends will come in with the OACI as said by Mme.Deslauriers.
They are now (at least in my group of friends) forever intertwined. We’re just weird people though so…
But if you say both of the names in order they rhyme and it sounds like a riddle…
Griffintown – Bernard Landry
Square Victoria – OACI
so like, “Griffintown… Bernard Landry, Square Victoria… OA, CI”