Refonte du réseau bus

The frequency across it is changing though, currently it’s pretty spaced apart equally, now there will be higher frequency on Rue de Verdun specifically

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Pour GT Le service est maintenue avec quelques modifications:

1- Les residents de la partie ouest doivent maitenant prendre le 71 (Au lieu de la 57 ) pour acceder au metro Guy-concordia
2- C’est la ligne 61 qui passe maitenant par peel au lieu de la 107 et qui permet de rejoindre la rue sainte chatherine.
3- Je penses qu’on va attendre le REM pour diverger la ligne 35 par Ottawa/William.

La fusion des lignes 15 et 150 est une excellente nouvelle. La 15 était rendue particulièrement inutile et redondante, surtout en direction ouest. Les problèmes de congestion qu’elle engendrait en plus de la diffusion des passages sur 3 axes parallèles rendaient la desserte en bus moins accessible que de tout concentrer sur René-Lévesque. De façon générale le temps de marche supplémentaire pour passer de Maisonneuve à R-L reste assez minime (2 min - 5 min).

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I hope we can learn about the bus stop spacing. In NYC they’re also doing a bus redesign, and this one goes into way more detail about how bus stops are chosen and what is prioritized depending on the line:

What’s important that they note is this for Local buses:

Average stop spacing of approximately 300–400 metres between stops. The distance between consecutive stops should generally not be less than 230 metres or exceed 450 metres.

In Montréal currently it’s 292 metres, which is very short. It should be further apart for faster bus service.

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One of the thoughts during the consultation was to run a route along Angrignon up to Montreal-west. That route didn’t make it into this plan. However, the 123 has been shifted slightly east to intercept more potential customers making this north-south trip. In particular, it’s now within walking distance of Cégèp Andre-Laurendeau. That’s seems to me like a pretty decent compromise.

la Ville veut que la 35 passe sur Ottawa/William, et prendre Peel ou Robert-Bourass pour rejoindre Wellington, dès que les travaux soient complétés en espérant que les arrêts d’autobus puissent inciter les automobilistes à ne pas se stationner sur la piste cyclable. Il y a un arrêt prévu devant le Bass 2-3 où il y a souvent des véhicules stationnés illégalement

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Because the current redesign website doesn’t show bus stops, I don’t know if these bus stops were adjusted for the 112, which are 180m between each other. I expect the STM did not fix this with the redesign, I’ll bring it up at the open house

Rolland / No 1411 should be removed
Champlain / No 7100 should be removed
Beurling / Brown should be moved to Beurling / Godin, with Beurling / Allard removed.

It’s quite simple for the STM to do, especially if they are redesigning the entire network

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I would actually have been tempted to remove those stops:

  • Beurling / Rolland — to make that right turn on Rolland easier. It could be placed right after that turn and the Rolland / No 1411 could be merged into it
  • Rolland / Champlain — to make that left turn on Champlain easier
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Personnellement, j’aurais aimé que la 61 ait un arrêt à la station Peel. C’est sûr que le terminus de la 61 n’est pas super loin et que je pourrais descendre à bonaventure, mais bon, j’aimais bien pouvoir prendre le bus à la station Peel (pour diverses raisons) et descendre Peel jusqu’à l’ETS.

Est-ce que les nouveaux horaires sont publiés?

Pas encore, mais il y a un simulateur de trajet.

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That’s even better! I’ll share this idea with them at the open house, because I do believe they would listen and just need people to ask them essentially for it to happen

Another stop spacing problem on the 36 bus, 85 m apart:

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Je pense qu’ils s’attendent à ce que les passagers correspondent à partir de l’entrée sur Sainte-Catherine, entre le Cineplex et le Simons, qui passe par le contre du commerce de la Industrial Alliance. Je suis cependant aussi d’accord que les entrées sur Maisonneuve sont plus directes. Puis en tournant sur Sherbrooke au lieu de Sainte-Catherine, il y aurait possibilité de correspondre directement avec la 24.

En même temps, en terminant au parc Dorchester, la STM n’a pas à modifier son parcours quand Peel est fermée entre Sainte-Catherine et Maisonneuve pour la F1.

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Here’s a visual map of the STM bus network redesign for the Lachine area from the simulator. I already notice several interesting proposed changes to some lines here:

  • 496 Express Victoria becomes the flagship line to Lionel-Groulx Métro Station with more frequent service.
  • 191 Broadway/Provost is to be abolished and much of its routing in Lachine becomes 198 Broadway where the line turns off at Dollard Avenue toward LaSalle Hospital and Angrignon Métro Station following parts of the 495 Express LaSalle/Lachine via Champlain, Bishop-Power and de la Verendrye serving CÉGEP André-Laurendeau. Note in West Lachine, the 198 stays on St-Joseph instead of diverting onto René-Huguet.
  • 495 Express LaSalle/Lachine becomes 198 Broadway and much of its current itinerary is absorbed into parts of the 191 and 123 north of Newman Blvd.
  • 195 Sherbrooke/Notre-Dame is to be renamed 195 Dorval/Angrignon. The bus route hardly changes in Lachine, but it is streamlined to be more direct in LaSalle to Carrefour Angrignon and Angrignon Métro via Cordner, Laplante, Clément, Lafleur, Jean-Milot, Bergevin, Clément, St-Patrick, du Musée and 6e Avenue. For some reason on this map, the new 195 bypasses Bouchard Blvd in Dorval and takes Autoroute 20 which worries me as Dorval residents have yet been consulted on the redesign.
  • 491 Express Lachine is to be renamed 491 Express Provost and plans to modify the eastbound route onto 1st Avenue northbound and Montreal-Toronto Blvd eastbound onto Autoroute 20 to access the reserved bus lane.
  • 90 Saint-Jacques is maintained with frequent service. It will soon be the only line serving the exo Du Canal train station as the proposed 198 follows Victoria instead of St-Joseph east of 1st Avenue.
  • 110 Centrale is the same routing in Lachine, though once in LaSalle, it is planned to make less meandering east of Lafleur Avenue by not serving the Lafleur/Newman bus terminal, travel on Raymond, George and Bishop-Power to reduce travel time, and takes Lapierre and Newman to serve Carrefour Angrignon before terminating at Angrignon Métro station.
  • 190 Norman replaces the 116 Lafleur/Norman and follows St-Jacques, Notre-Dame, des Tanneries (formerly Pullman) and St-Jacques to Lionel-Groulx Metro Station before taking Atwater and St-Antoine back west. It’s a weekday route (Monday to Friday). Not known yet whether it will operate in between peak hours, though I anticipate much better service offered here for the St-Pierre area.
5 « J'aime »

People living in Montreal’s LaSalle, Lachine, Sud-Ouest and Verdun will soon have improved bus service, the STM announced Tuesday.

The Société de transport de Montréal (STM) announced that two new buses — the 38 De l’Église and the 114 Angrignon — will be on the road as of Aug. 26, and 20 other buses will have updated routes.

The 107 Verdun, 112 Airlie and 496 Express Victoria will now be high-frequency during rush hour. The STM is also getting rid of seven bus lines, including:

  • 15 Ste-Catherine
  • 58 Wellington
  • 75 De La Commune
  • 78 Laurendeau
  • 109 Shevchenko
  • 116 Lafleur / Norman
  • 191 Broadway / Provost

Je trouve ça quand même drôle, que c’est public depuis hier et AUCUN médias francophone n’a fait mention de la refonte du réseau. Ou encore je ne l’ai pas vu passé du tout.

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Pour La Presse, je l’ai juste vu dans un paragraphe à la fin d’un article sur le garage Bellechasse.

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Plus facile (et populaire) de chialer sur le garage Bellechasse.

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Ils vont en parler quand il va y avoir 3 personnes qui vont dire que leurs trajets c’est allongé de 30 secondes et c’est la fin du monde.

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ÇA, c’est vraiment désagréable ! De la PART de nos journalistes FRANCOPHONES !! :anger: :anger:

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