Projet structurant de l’Est (PSE)

C’est une recommendation qui est pleine de bon sens, et un des détails que je n’ai jamais compris de la proposition de CDPQ-I. Je rajouterais une station à Lavoisier en plein centre du quartier.

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ça vient de où cette figure. Je ne l’ai pas vu dans le rapport préliminaire. Donc, ca m’intrigue beaucoup

La gare SLMN n’est qu’à 600m de la station HB/Lacordaire, qui sera connecté au SRB HB, mais à plus de 2 km de la station Robert, le pôle civique de l’arrondissement. Lavosier à une possition centrale dans l’arrondissement, mais est beaucoup moins d’intérêt en terme de destinations, d’opportunité de requalification, et enjeux de rabattements. C’est un drôle d’espacement, c’est comme si le PSE devait servir l’attractivité d’exo5 plutôt que d’améliorer globalement la desserte métro.

Justement, pour le PSE contrairement au REM de l’Est, ce ne serait pas le cas pour exo5.


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Sunk cost fallacy. Ils essaient de sauver Exo5 avec le PSE. C’était très présent dans le rapport préliminaire.

Exo5 a un rôle qui va devenir de plus en plus important dans la desserte du nord-est du Grand Montréal, même si vous trouvez ça ridicule.

In what capacity? For an exo or VIA service? Maybe not ridiculous, but puzzling since even the taskforce seems cautious about the chances of improving exo5.

For an Exo service. The issue with Exo5 is that it’s not very well connected to anything and it has a bad frequency.

Not much can be done currently about the frequency for now, but by 2030 Exo5 will be connected to both the REM at Côte-de-Liesse and the PSE at Saint-Léonard-Montréal-Nord. This will immediately make it much more useful.

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A compromise could be to build the station on Grandes-Prairies. It wouldn’t be the easiest transfer, but it wouldn’t be the worst.

This is exactly why I don’t like the Lacordaire section being underground. The stations need to be closer together than what the CDPQ proposed in order to provide adequate access, but underground stations are too expensive. Lacordaire should be on a centre median viaduct.

Given how Mercier est has reacted to a viaduct in a 60m wide corridor (souligny), I seriously doubt a viaduct on Lacordaire would have any chance, it’s only about 25m wide. Souligny should absolutely be elevated, with Lacordaire I understand the choice to be underground.

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Lacordaire has large setbacks, widening the light-gap to 40m. It’s possible to put it above ground, and by putting it above ground, you avoid many fights over where to place the stations.

Possible, but given how NIMBY people have proven to be around elevated rail, I would say very improbable, even if it saves billions and adds connectivity.

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The REM is dead. It’s not happening so I’m really struggling to see why CDPQ is still being used as bogeyman here.

I’m definitely noticing that the demographics of those attending these meetings, particularly with respect to age, don’t quite match up with what Montréal looks like to me.

Edit: “Non au Train Aérien!” But also “On doit évaluer tous les options!”. They clearly are just trying to say I will only accept what I want, but get confused why people don’t necessarily want to engage with them.

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Dur de ne pas les prendre au sérieux avec un titre digne d’un article de Québécor…

Quand on y pense, il s’agit d’un petit groupe non représentatif de la population du secteur. Je me demande qu’est-ce qu’on obtiendrait comme acceptabilité sociale si on sondait les résidents du quartier au hasard. En fin de compte, même si un train aérien venait s’implanter, je ne pense pas que le collectif aurait moyens de faire quoi que ce soit. On a qu’à regarder ce qui se passe à Québec avec le cas du tramway et des 3-4 récalcitrants.

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Just say what it is. Boomers, boomers that don’t want things to progress because they don’t want to live through change. They will complain they never were consulted, but in reality this is just them wasting the project’s time. Ive said this before, and will say this again. I don’t want to hear these people complain about the lack of transit in the east, they had their chance, they lost it.

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Maybe maybe not. I’m Gen-X and many of my coworkers are Gen-X and Millennials, and I’m often shocked and saddened when I hear similar resistance to change or or objection to diverse viewpoints.

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The worst is that if they get what they want and a slow, ground level tram gets built they will then turn around and cry that there is no “équité territoriale” beacuse the West Island and South Shore has a faster and more frequent light metro instead of their slower tram.

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There are 2 usable corridors in the east, so if they really want a tram, I do think that there is room for one, but I feel that the priority should be a fully grade separated service that is fast and reliable. I would put the tram on Sherbrooke and use the rail alignment for the light metro service.

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La PSE vous rappelle quelque chose à vous aussi? :smiley:

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