Projet structurant de l’Est (PSE)

I would rather have no project. Perhaps that might be seen as being vindictive, but I honestly beleive that this isn’t the right project. Post 419 and 422 on this thread really says about everything on how i feel about the way that the ARTM has chosen to design this project.

This isn’t the Bybanen which is mostly grade separated, with most of the major road crossings either near the city center, or right next to stations where the tram would have to slow down regardless. This isn’t a system where most of the right of way is located on the side of the boulevard which got a heavy lane diet. Its everything that I hate about how we think of transit in North America.

I might be more willing to consider this project if it was well designed, but it isn’t. The ARTM clearly has not learned anything from its last debacle. Instead of looking for best practices the world over, this proposition very much looks and feels like any other Americanized LRT in the middle of a hostile boulevard.

I’m really wondering just how many more failed projects its going to take before some serious changes are made both at the ARTM and the ministry of transport. Just how many failed projects is it going to take before the government realise that they are giving way too much deference to a small group of very vocal peoples? Are we seriously going to have to spend more than 10 billions dollars to build a sub par project before things finally change? Heck, just take a look at the Eglington LRT, how much of a mess that’s been and just how many years its been delayed. I would honestly rather that the government spend that money on another project somewhere else.

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