Unrelated to the incident, I hope when the work is planned on this section, they could also create the tunnel between the EV building and Metro, with the FB building (in the first photo) diagonally. This intersection is packed with students.
I also somewhat wish they could redesign Guy with the Sainte-Catherine work, as currently the sidewalk does not support the amount of people that use it. Perhaps making the bike paths one unidirectional, removing southbound car traffic, even removing northbound car traffic so the buses could park along the school, something to improve the current mess of people crossing and cars trying to get through and bike lanes that cross the intersections multiple times
This would double the size of the sidewalk on one side, keep bike lanes on the same side of the street without needing to cross, using the extra space for a waiting area for the 165 and 465 (outside of the metro exit) to free up space on the sidewalk. This bus road would be 2 lanes to allow passing, and banning cars could allow students to cross without needing to wait for a light (as there is less traffic overall). I just put Sainte-Catherine as smaller as I know it’s the plan already, I’m imagining this work could be done with Sainte-Catherine, similar to how Peel is being reconstructed in the future (also with a bus loading area!)