PL 96, débat sur les langues et discussions connexes

En réponse à cette nouvelle économique

Yikes to the 2 job offers for English speakers, which is not ideal in a labour shortage ( I get we’re in Quebec, but a labour shortage is a different beast). Which brings me to my next point about the labour shortage. Since I work at a uni and hear students concerns on a daily basis, they are getting screwed hard currently. The problem only amplified more with Bill 96, which made the crisis worse.

  1. A lot are English speakers, speak little French or are intimidated because of the current climate or how people mock their French. As the article demonstrated, it’s harder for them to find a good job, so they are unemployed or find work in unfavourable conditions and get exploited (under the table work, underpaid work, etc.)

  2. Then you have the issues of recent grads and those with lots of experience, but the same people who whine about not finding workers also never hire people who are fresh out of university (or close to being done), high gpa’s, smart, have experience at the university level and are hungry for a job. This just adds more pressure on all parties and hampers economic growth. Furthermore, Quebec has been losing a lot of talent since other provinces are hiring students, either remotely or on site. These jobs are also much higher paid than what you find in Quebec.

When you see that Quebec has a 4.3% unemployment rate, just realise almost 300,000 jobs are missing, talent is leaving, our brightest minds are looking elsewhere, there’s 60,000+ missing in the healthcare sector, etc… That 4.3% figure is pure bull. You want the economy to succeed? You have no choice but to hire anyone first come, first serve and cannot refuse a CV based on language, experiences or legal status. We’re in this mess due to the government failing at literally everything and businesses (for the most part) being cheap.