Ouvrages d'art Tronçon Central - Discussion

Photo today from the pedestrian bridge between Côte-de-Liesse and Ville-de-Mont-Royal. I’m actually surprised the REM didn’t replace this bridge with a newer one that was also accessible, but I guess it would be TMR’s responsibility.

From a transit Discord server I’m on, someone on it allowed me to share their photos from today at the tunnel portal and Canora:

North of Canora:

19 « J'aime »

Les champs de marguerites à côté de nouveaux rails :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes: quelle belle vue

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Acoustic grinding of REM tracks

Construction activities | During the night only

Starting June 19, 2024, for a period of approximately fifteen days.

Centre of Montréal

Nature of work :

In preparation for the next phase of dynamic testing to test the systems and prepare the facilities for the REM commissioning, acoustic track grinding is planned between the Bois-Franc station area and Canora station. This work will take place one lane at a time at night, beginning on June 19, 2024 between 8:00 p.m. and 06:00 a.m. for approximately 15 days.

Grinding the track reduces rail roughness, thereby attenuating the noise associated with the passage of REM cars. The grinder - the equipment used to perform the grinding - will travel at a speed of around 30 km/h over the section, making between 10 and 12 round trips per night. Occasional noise impacts are to be expected.

Regarding the control of sound impacts:

The arrival of the REM cars may raise questions about the noise caused. In this regard:

  1. An analysis is underway to confirm that the noise reduction measures already installed on the network respect the sound limits.
  2. The acoustic grinding of the tracks, which serves to reduce rolling noise, will be completed before the start of the tests scheduled for spring 2024.
  3. Further communications will follow ahead of the next test phases.

The map below shows the area of operation:

For all questions | 1 833 REM-INFO

Write us via the contact form of the “Contact us” page. You may contact us by phone on weekdays between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm.

2 « J'aime »

C’est préventif ou ils savent déjà qu’il y a un problème avec les rails pour le bruit.

1 « J'aime »

s’ils vont faire acoustic sur un troncont, ils doivent faire le system en entier.

Dans la réunion avec les residents de GT il ont dit que comme le meulage des rails ont démontrer une améliorations significatif du bruit, il vont le faire d’une façon préventive sur la totalité du réseau. Aussi un plan de maintenance de meulage serait mise en place. Les machine sont deja achetée…

9 « J'aime »

and heres the device: https://youtu.be/2gJ1VjqLJbE

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Aménagement presque terminé de la rue Marc-Cantin

Bd Gaétan Laberge/ Marc-Cantin

La piste cyclable est présentement déconnectée du reste du réseau elle est donc barricadé a qlq endroit

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