Navettes Fluviales - Discussion générale

For getting individual tickets, was it easy? I’m planning on going with my family, I have the monthly pass but they don’t

It’s a bit tricky figuring out where to buy the tickets (cuz you buy your ticket directly from the operator’s website and there are two operators). And the website itself is a bit tricky. But you shouldn’t have any issues, I think. Just make sure to book in advance!

1 « J'aime »

J’ai également pris la navette vers l’île Sainte-Hélène/Longueuil et vers Pointe-aux-Trembles aujourd’hui. Il y a deux kiosques (pour chaque opérateur) sur place. Je sais qu’il y a un tarif à 15$ pour une famille de 4 personnes mais je crois que c’est seulement pour la navette vers l’Est de l’île. Mais oui il faut mieux se prendre un peu d’avance, beaucoup de départs sont pleins !

I plan on going Monday around 11am, just to Île-Sainte-Hélène, would you recommend I just get tickets online then? Also for me because I have the monthly pass, do I just tap on and go or do I also need a reservation?

Book in advance for everyone, including yourself. When you choose the number of people on the website, there’s an option to buy a free ticket for someone with a valid OPUS card. You can also just show up, but it’s unlikely that there’ll still be some available space aboard.

2 « J'aime »

Thanks so much for describing all of this! I got the tickets I needed!

1 « J'aime »

Je trouve quand même drôle que l’ARTM n’ait pas inclus tous les autres “illimités”… Ça créé encore des exceptions pour une supposée intégration et simplification tarifaire.

4 « J'aime »

I’m guessing it’s just because they require a physical OPUS card for some reason, and the only fares that are only on physical OPUS cards are weekly and monthly fares.

That’s just a guess though

You’re probably right because they don’t validate the OPUS card. They only have the equipment to look at if there’s a validated fare on the card.

1 « J'aime »

Amazing that we are 25 years behind even developing nations.:man_facepalming:t2::man_shrugging:t2:

Exactly, the machines they have only “check” tickets, they cannot deduct individual passages or do transfers from the tickets. However, I have a suspicion that any unlimited ticket should work though, even the paper ones, since it’s the exact same machine and software as the inspectors.

It’s a pilot project which is not permanent (I believe it’s funded yearly by the provincial government, or at least funded until the reopening of the tunnel), the ARTM didn’t want to put money to link up the terminals with electricity and the necessary network connections, just to remove it a few years later.

3 « J'aime »

For the unlimited weekend/evening theres actually a reason, the device can’t activate the ticket, weekly/monthly are active the second the time pass there activation time

1 « J'aime »

Ce qu’on peut faire avec les billets “papier”. Si la passe illimitée a été a activée, il est possible de le voir avec une simple application Chrono. Là où il y aurait une petite complication serait si la personne souhaite l’activer comme première utilisation à bord d’une navette.

J’ai lu ta réponse après avoir posté la mienne. Si c’est la vraie raison, je la trouve un peu dommage parce qu’il s’agit d’une limitation technologique qui ne devrait pas être insurmontable.

Je ne comprend toujours pas pourquoi il n’existe pas de semaine AB, ABC, ABCD, Bus & Bus OT.

Seulement semaine A existe.

Pour la navette fluviale ça serait parfait

5 « J'aime »

With the tripple disaster happening with the train line(Ile aux tourte bridge/Lucien L’allier/Train shutdow), it still Baffles me that no one has been thinking about trying to use the Ile perrot River shuttles as part of the N lines…

4 « J'aime »

Pretty sure those services are unavailable this year.

1 « J'aime »

Due in part from a lack of funding

1 « J'aime »

But also, I don’t think this offers an adequate replacement service for the commuter train. If they could open the REM A4 branch and send a shuttle from Dorion to … Ste-Dorothée?