Espaces piétonniers

Cette nouvelle idée d’attacher des radars aux sacs des enfants est grotesque. Tout ce temps, la solution est évidente : Ralentissez les voitures à l’aide d’obstacles physiques!

13 « J'aime »

C’est vraiment dystopique

5 « J'aime »

Reportage au Téléjournal

Dans le reportage, il est mentionné qu’il n’y a même pas de contraventions données lors des opérations faites avec les radars sac-à-dos… :expressionless:

1 « J'aime »

With the work I’ve been doing with ASFA, as well as Concordia University helping, Mackay is finally pedestrianized temporarily, for the Club Fares. We’re pushing for full pedestrianization in the coming months, but this is the first big start!
Screenshot 2023-09-06 at 1.35.00 PM

This Friday there’s a meeting anyone can join at 17h30, outside the Hall building on Mackay. We’re spreading the idea so others push for it too!

17 « J'aime »

It’s only natural that Mackay would be pedestrianized at this point. It’s not even an important street in terms of auto traffic. If McGill could get McTavish pedestrianized when it was a busy shortcut for commuters heading to Dr Penfield, I don’t understand why there has been such reluctance with regards to Mackay…

5 « J'aime »

I don’t remember if the school owns all the buildings between Sherbrooke and de Maisonneuve, but I hope they’ll invest in some major renovations and maybe move the Visual Arts building closer to the center of the campus.

2 « J'aime »

Concordia should lobby the city for this.
ÉTS was successful with Murray street in Griffintown between buiildings A, D & E.
The student associations use it for events
And ÉTS is also pushing for a pedestrianization of Barré street between Eleanor and de la Montagne as it owns buildings on both sides. It wasn’t planned in the PPU, but the City is very receptive, elected officials and civil servants included.

5 « J'aime »

C’est exactement ce que je me dis chaque fois que je passe dans le secteur (chaque jour de la semaine). Il serait évidemment plus approprié d’avoir le VA non seulement plus près du centre du campus mais aussi plus près du MBAM, ce qui renforcerait le caractère muséal et artistique du secteur .

1 « J'aime »

Concordia will, starting at the end of this month to sometime next month, as well as the Concordia Student Union which organized this pedestrianized event. The university is 100% on board with the project!

After this, we’ll be pushing for pedestrianizing Bishop on the other side of the Hall building, by collaborating with Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal, followed by the other section of Mackay between Maisonneuve and St-Catherine (this would be harder though, with the apartment building, and parking lot under the Concordia Library).

Additionally, St-Catherine will be pedestrianized I believe almost permanently (with Concordia University pushing this section) between Guy and Mackay!

5 « J'aime »

I’m not totally sold on a pedestrianizing Bishop. I think a shared street would be preferable.

I think shared street on Bishop makes more sense between Maisonneuve and St-Catherine, but between Maisonneuve and Sherbrooke, students (like myself) just want an outdoor space at the university like they have for other universities in the city, or like there is at Loyola

5 « J'aime »

Seems like the opposite. There isn’t as much parking lot access south of Maisonneuve, and that part could even be contiguous with a pedestrian St-Catherine. By reducing car space between Maisonneuve and Sherbrooke, you get a lot pedestrian space while preserving critical access for the surrounding institutions.

In my dreams, Mackay, Bishop and Crescent between Sherbrooke and Ste-Cath would be pedestrian. It’s always bustling with pedestrians anyway all year long, and i don’t see it causing too much trouble with drivers who would just have to use either Guy or de La Montagne to go North/South. I don’t know how much it would affect parking but with underground parkings in new buildings on René-Lévesque, i’m sure solutions could be found.

3 « J'aime »

Even all the way to René-Lévesque! There are so many bars with people lined up, and it’s tiny sidewalks compared to how wide the road is for the cars. It would make the area outside actually pleasant to be in! I hope something like that would be tested over some summer maybe at least

2 « J'aime »

Still need to figure out how to manage building garage entrance.

1 « J'aime »

Something like this could be done, orange for cars, green for pedestrians. The garage would be accessible via St-Catherine and the nearby alley.

I saw something done like this along St-Laurent when it was pedestrianized

5 « J'aime »

For a second I thought you mapped Bishop and MacKay garage and service alleyways since with a lot less stakeholders and the fact that the university owns much of the properties, pedestrianization would be more likely there first.

Yeah I believe so too

Actually, the City already turns segments of one way streets into 2 way streets for roadworks so people can access the indoor parking/delivery bays

Example in Griffintown, on Murray and Young

1 « J'aime »

Could something like this be done permanently, even though it goes against the highway code (for road width)? Or can this only be done for temporary projects, like construction or summer pedestrianization?