Cartes, plans et signalétique métropolitaine

100% d’accord que ça porte à confusion en ce moment. Au départ, le SRB Pie-IX devait avoir une offre de service comparable à celle du métro (ce n’est jamais arrivé à cause du manque de financement), donc mon guess est que ça a sûrement dû se refléter sur les plans.

1 « J'aime »

The oaci is apended on the metropolitan map while the metro map does not have it

C’est une affiche qui prédate le changement de nom de la station (qui s’est produit en 2014).

1 « J'aime »

Personally, I think that the station should just be called Square-Victoria. If you take a look at any animated videos of how metro systems developed in other cities, one of the things that is really notable is how metro stations sometime get renamed with something longer, only to get shortened back to what they used to be a few years later.

Peoples don’t say Square Victoria OACI when they talk to each other. They just use the original name. Its shorter and it flows better in a conversation. It they really feel that OACI deserves to be on the map, it should be there more as a “located here” type of thing and not part of the actual station name. The same is valid for Longueil. Seriously, shorten those back to what they used to be.

1 « J'aime »

Je suis d’accord. Mais le nom de Berri n’a jamais été court :stuck_out_tongue: Berri-de-Montigny c’était pas mieux!

La rue est nommé Berri.

On a unrelated note dorval desperately needs some love… It has everything wrong. From metrobus iconography, to RIGAUD being present on the stm side while sharpied to hudson on exo’s side. To the Dorval-Île-Dorval Burrough being dead for 20 years.

4 « J'aime »

Le collant anti-graffiti, au premier coup d’oeil, j’ai cru que c’était un sticker collé par un taggeur.

Ce sticker vient de 2002 quand la fusion forcer as eu lieux

I also love how exo has been trying everything to remove the amt from everything except Dorval…

Also Metro doors for no reasons

2 « J'aime »

Also dorval terminus also has some of the best signage at the same time…

1 « J'aime »

@mashdash @coledev we’re counting on you :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

3 « J'aime »

Maybe or maybe not, something is already in the works :wink: @mashdash

More to follow soon!

8 « J'aime »

@coledev and I may or may not be working on this

8 « J'aime »

Not the heroes we deserve, but the ones we need.

7 « J'aime »

This is going to sound a bit crazy, but in order to graduate, I am going to need to update the signage. Let me explain (it’ll be long and a bit personal).

I want to start by saying I’m from NYC, but I’m a Canadian citizen and plan on staying here after university, so I’m learning French currently in order to live here comfortably and connect more with the community. I am required to take more classes to graduate because I didn’t have CÉGEP, which is completely fair and I agree with.

But now, especially recently with news about certain universities, my university has removed many courses which basically prevent me from graduating. One of the only ways to graduate is by doing an independent study, which is looking into an issue, trying to solve it, and documenting the process along the way. The only thing I can really do this for in great detail, is signage (especially in transit), as it relates to my major and follows my interests.

So, kind of indirectly, in order for me to receive sufficient credit to graduate, I have to focus on specific places with poor signage and fix it myself.

But hey another option for credit is an internship so if the ARTM is supposed to be doing this, maybe hire me for a quick job and I’ll update all of it within a semester?

35 « J'aime »

Pretty sure that folks from the ARTM wander on this forum from time to time. Fingers crossed, someone will see your message… One thing is certain there is no lack of sites that would benefit from such an update. I hope you won’t have to volunteer and you’ll be properly compensated for your work.

2 « J'aime »

À ma dernière visite à la station Pie-IX, la signalétique n’incluait toujours pas la 439 direction sud dans les lignes de bus affectées à l’édicule ouest.

Il reste effectivement beaucoup de travail à faire.

2 « J'aime »

Is this somewhat standard or is this a custom road signage to the train station?

10 « J'aime »

Old MTQ sign I’m guessing.